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Why do they pretend to miss you etc????

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My ex and I have been apart for a few weeks now. Everytime we spoke he would say how much he misses and loves me. He would text the same. I actually believed it. I tried no contact, but we have needed to in order to sort out the house we had together. However, I think that is now all sorted, so have started NC three days ago. I guess I kinda hung on to the hope that he was as upset as I was over the whole break up (we were together two years).


This morning I woke up depressed. I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. So, for some strange reason, I broke into his email (I know, I know, I shouldn't be doing these things!!!!). I still have the password. I knew I would find something bad. My instincts said so. And I did. There was an email from a girl that had caused problems in our relationship. Their "relationship" was inappropriate in my opinion. They would tell each other they loved each other, he spent a long weekend with her IN HER BED, but swore they were just friends. SHE on the other hand, thought and still thinks there is more between them. That they are "soul mates". I'm sure he eggs her on.


Anyway, we spoke last Mon, he was crying and telling me how much he misses me etc etc. Turns out from this email, that they have been trying to call each other FOR DAYS. So basically he has been FAKING IT. He has run back to her, like I never even existed. In her email she said she was sorry to hear about us breaking up and sorry that she "somehow" contributed to it. I bet that made her feel great! To know that she has that much power, adn that what they "have" is stronger than his relationship with me. Argh. Then she said, now they can figure out what they mean to each other and what they are supposed to be in each others lives. She also said that she had a feeling that he had something to tell her so she hoped they would speak soon.


ARGH! I was soooo upset. BUT, it opened my eyes. I am glad I read it. I can't believe I actually believed him. That I actually thought he cared. He is a LIAR and a FAKE. He can't even be honest with me, after two years.


WHY???????????? I don't understand why he does this. Why say all those things???? He is a COWARD, and I am beginning to hate him. It makes me so angry and upset to think after all the s*it we went through with her and his behaviour, and now he has just run back to her like we have had nothing.


Can someone explain WHY?????

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Now I'm all for men and women being friends, but a long weekend? In her bed? Smells bad. Sounds like he was using you, or her, or both, just to see who snapped first.


That's the kind of thing a boy does. Not a man. Good thing you kicked him to the kerb.


Oh and breaking into someone's email is illegal

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Maybe you are right. Maybe I was being used all along. I guess I just wanted to think that I was DIFFERENT. How naive! It is horrible to think that you mean nothing to someone who spent two years with you. And it is hard not to blame yourself.


And yes, I was stupid to look at his emails! But like I said, I needed to read it. He was trying to convince me he was as upset as the break up as I was. Kept telling me he had no motivation to do anything, that his life is a mess. But now I know he is still and will always be a LIAR. He will say ANYTHING to make me believe he is the "good" guy who is hurting too. I am starting to question our whole relationship.

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