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I hate being so sad. I hate feeling so down and depressed. I hate wishing we were still together. I hate wondering if he still loves me. I hate wondering why he doesn't want to grow up and have a life with me. I hate having that sliver of hope that won't go away. I hate wanting to call him. I hate feeling as if my life is a huge mess. I hate thinking about him all the time. I hate knowing that his life will be fine without me.


I hate breaking up!

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i feel the same way right now. we just broke up a few days ago and i feel everything you have described. i'm such a mess. but i'm glad we have this forum to discuss it. it makes me feel a little better knowing someone knows exactly how i feel. hey, from what everyone has been telling me it will get better with time.

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Hey thesupremeshiningdiva,


I was the dumper too. I often wonder if I have made a mistake too. If I should have tried harder. If I shouldn't have kicked him out and tried to work on it. BUT then I remember, I had been trying (ALONE!) for months. HE was the one making no effort, HE is the one who let the relationship get to the point where there was nothing left to work for. HE was the one who choose for this. If he wanted me back, and wanted to work on his issues, he knows where to find me. BUT he isn't. He is just moving on with his life like I never existed. I don't want to be with someone who can let me go so easily.....

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Just because he's not contacting you doesn't mean he doesn't want to be with you. Maybe he's so hurt that he understands that if he contacts you. it'll just make him upset and he'll have to start the healing process all over again. Maybe he's just looking out for himself. You were the dumper remember?

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.....he pushed me into it. He was a liar, deceitful, and basically has told me that he is unable to be open and honest with me. What is a relationship without those things? And then he said he doesn't know what he wants. He is scared of growing up, of having responsibilities like a house etc. And he is scared of marriage, of making a mistake.


So, I may have been the dumper, but unfortunately it turns out I am hurting more than he is. He has already moved on, and hasn't given me a second thought. He is back to being a player and a flirt and being superficial. I guess that just means I have made the right decision.

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