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How harmful are diet pills?

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I'd like to add in that running 6 miles every day is an unhealthy way to lose weight, and may be classified as "overexercising" by many people. Exercising too much to lose weight is an issue, because it can really mess your body up, (it puts too much strain on your bones and muscles, which makes you VERY prone to injury) especially if you're not taking in enough nutrition. Using diet pills and overexercising to lose weight can also sometimes be indicative of a bigger problem, such as an eating problem or body image problem.


And to answer your original question: yes, diet pills will screw you over. I used to take them and it wasn't fun. They make your metabolism weird, they can give you heart problems and headaches. You may have trouble staying awake without them because of all the caffeine they contain. I would avoid diet pills at all costs.

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If you want to burn fat, the key is low intensity high volume. Don't do a run/walk/workout that is less than 45mins. Anything less than that is not efficient.


Whatever you are doing, it should bring up a light sweat and an "exercising" heartbeat but it should not be strenuous. Walking briskly for 45mins each day on a treadmill will BURN off the fat. Jogging on a treadmill for 45mins each day and it will melt away. As they say... it won't happen overnight but it does happen!

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