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to love or be loved

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I would rather be loved. Coz if you loved someone else and they don't love you back, you tend to get treated like crap and you can't control their feelings. Whereas, with my own feelings I can control how I treat the person that loves me and try to build on it.

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I also would have to go with the neither option...the whole "you can't miss what you've never known" idea. Although, yeah I've been in both positions, it's hard. Knowing that someone loves me that much but I don't return their feelings makes me feel like s***. Likewise, knowing that a certain person doesn't love me and probably never will is the worst heartbreak I've felt possibly ever.

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With limited options, I'd pick loving someone who doesn't love me. While being in love with someone and not having that love returned is painful, my life will be a lot fuller if there's someone in this world that I think highly of. It makes this world a more beautiful place. Since there are so many things in this world that are not pleasant (in fact that are often heart breaking), I'll take whatever I can take.


Loving someone gives me something to look forward to everyday.

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beautiful question.. i read in a yoga magazine an interview with krishna das, an american singer of kirtan, or indian devotional music.. in the interview was this juicy little insight:


"when you fall in love, what you are really seeing is your own beauty reflected in someone else's face at that moment."


the falling in love part seems to be the key to this, in so far as it reflects in some measure a form of unconditional love.. there is a kind of purity when you fall in love, you can't help it, it sort of comes without strings


so, love or be loved?


i think i'd rather love - freely - as in the two times when i can truly say i have been deeply in love, i love that feeling of having that person as a loving presense in heart and mind.. there is also something very special about the energy of loving that seems to bring love your way

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Since I can't pick neither I'll simply won't pick at all and hope that neither one comes to me.


But if it's a pick one or everyone on the planet will die sort of situation..


I'll pick having someone love me. They'll get over it with far less tears on my part and I'd never in a million years actually CHOOSE to love someone who would never love me back.

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