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Need advice on how to make a LDR work!!!!

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Ok...So I despreatly ned help!!! I've been talking to this guy online for like a month and we decided to meet yesterday, so we met and he was AWESOME!! the chemistry was amazing and he felt the same way!! problem is..he lives an hour and a half away, this has us both concerned because we are the type of people who need that physical closenness!! we live an hour and a half away from each other and moving for either one of us is not an option as of now. Anyways basically, I need any advice possible on how to make this work for two people like us. PLEASE HELP!

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well, I think I said this before, but I don't think that 1.5 hours is really long distance. I know a girl who lives 4 hours from her boyfriend, and they still see each other every week.


Well, take turns visiting each other on weekends, and maybe once a week, try to meet halfway for dinner or a movie.


good luck

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I agree... 1.5 hours away is do-able. You can take turns going back and forth to see each other on weekends, and I would also make sure to call on the phone as much as possible during the week... it's not the same but the phone can keep you close together. It actually might even be good because him being far away will help you to not let your relationship consume your life... but it will be a perk whenever you get to see him. I'd say go for it! Being 1.5 hours away will be far enough to let you miss him once in a while, but not so far that you only get to see him every 6 months and have to fly to see him, know what I mean? Good luck, and keep us posted on what happens!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with all the posts. 1 1/2 hours is not far. I've been in two LDR : One 3 hours away and the current 4. We both work very hard during the week and see eachother on weekends. I prefer same-city relationships, but what can you do when you meet someone special? I think we see eacother more than some couples that live in the same city. I'd go for it. Nothing to loose but your car's resale value.

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i wishhhh my b/f lived 1.5 hours away.....he lives 24 hours by airoplane .....if i was in your situation i would be over the moon good luck!


Word. Mine's 8 hours away by plane. I feel your pain. We know we'd be taking the bus, car and every mode of transportation to spend time with our SO if they lived THAT close. I'm jealous.

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My boyfriend is 2,500 miles away...5 hours by plane. I'd KILL to only be 1.5 hours away from him. That's definitely doable. Focusing on the good things about your relationship can help you get through the times when you're not together. But I agree with monkey1..I'm SOOOOO JEALOUS!!!!

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