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I don't know what to do or believe. I am in a long distance relationship with a guy I met through work I trust him totally until today. I came into work this morning and one of my colleagues told me that my boyfriend had been talking to another one of the girls about me and our relationship and how he had been slagging me off. There is two girls in the office who flirt with him on the phone to annoy me which is just really sad and pathetic. I phoned him as soon as I was told and he said that they are lying and why would he talk to the girls in the office when he has mates at home he can talk to. They aer basically just stirring things between me and him. But I don't know who to believe my work mate or my boyfriend?

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He could well be confiding in someone and us blokes prefer to confide in girls. He may not have been "slagging you off" but may have discussed certain traits of your behaviour that he doesn't like to ask for advice.


To be honest, this is a FORM of infidelity and I'm guilty of it myself sometimes, as I often go on boards to ask about advice about my wife.


It could well be that whatever has been said has also been twisted or exaggerated.

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