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I have posted a few times telling about how loenly I have been feeling and ya know what, I am actually feeling great again!! I no longer have a hateful bf and I am again friends with my old friends! I have been working out daily and I feel fab!! I want to thank of you who have offered advice it has helped me out greatly!!! If there is anyone in the San Diego area who feel like I used to feel, just email me and we can hang out and forget our crap!!!

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I dont think that i helped u in ur particular situation, but its always refreshing 4 me to see ppl in better spirits after a heart break, or traumatic situation. Working out certainly does wonders for all of us, it gives us a booste of energy when feeling down, and builds confidence, adds balance back into our lives..and we become physically and mentally stronger as well...


Glad to hear the good news..keep spreading the positive vybes...





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