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Should I contact this friend?

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I had a childhood friend who I was best friends with. We told each other everything and went through alot and i thought we would be friends forever. Her and her boyfriend moved in about 8 years ago. Ever since then shes been cold to me. She never invited me out with them and also when she was visiting her parents who live around the corner from me, she never called me once to say she was right there. I invited her out many times, she never came to meet me.

Then one time she met me with her boyfriend, she started making fun of me- telling me my secrets in front of him. i basically told her shes out of line and left.

I never got a real apology though she admitted she was jealous of me and sorry.

Anyway I attended her wedding reluctantly. And she acted as though we are very close.

She sent a thank you note but i was put off by the whole thing and didnt get back to her till a year later. She did not call back right away. After a month I called again and sent an email. She replied back leaving me a message saying shes moving to Canada on May 1 and shes been busy. She also emailed me saying shes been busy so she hasnt gotten back.

I wrote back saying i would call her again but i just never have and that was like 3 months ago.

I feel like she should be trying to contact me again. Just because I didnt call back doesnt mean she shouldnt contact me.

I feel really uncomfortable calling her. I dont trust her so it would be a very fake conversation. I never had a friend i was close with like that since but maybe im in denial about who she is now.

Should I even call her?

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Only you can decide that. Can you not send her a breif letter or a text message or something like that. A short hi how are you? How are things going? Is always a convosation starter. If you want to keep in contact with her call her.


But for crying out loud don't let her walk all over you like she did the last time.


Good Luck,


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Ever since then shes been cold to me. She never invited me out with them and also when she was visiting her parents who live around the corner from me, she never called me once to say she was right there. I invited her out many times, she never came to meet me.


Then one time she met me with her boyfriend, she started making fun of me- telling me my secrets in front of him.


I feel really uncomfortable calling her. I dont trust her so it would be a very fake conversation.


After this, why would you bother? She's obviously changed in some not-so-pleasant ways and stopped behaving like a friend to you a while ago.


You're better off to build new friendships with people who treat you well and who you have something in common with in the present than to keep trying to go back to something that no longer exists.

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Your friend may truly be sorry for having embarrased you in front of her BF, is there really a lot to lose by sending a friendly card or short letter? Happened to me, and I am very glad to have my friend contact me out of the blue and rekindle the friendship. I behaved badly towards her long ago, we forgave each other and that feels wonderful to have gone through.

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Well i called her and she didnt call back, so i called back again a month later and sent an email. she left me a message and an email, saying shes been busy moving, i just sent back an email saying i would call her during the week. I just never have.

I feel she could contact me again through email or phone. If she truly wanted to talk with me i think she would. She just doesnt make an effort.



Your friend may truly be sorry for having embarrased you in front of her BF, is there really a lot to lose by sending a friendly card or short letter? Happened to me, and I am very glad to have my friend contact me out of the blue and rekindle the friendship. I behaved badly towards her long ago, we forgave each other and that feels wonderful to have gone through.
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