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Is it possible?

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Is it possible that love at first sight is true, or am I so naïve I am being caught up in my own thoughts and slight boredom of where I stand in life. Is it possible that one kiss can tell you everything about a person, and the chemistry between two united souls. We'll the kiss for sure I can tell you let loose a race of emotion that I will never forget. Lips like a baby's skin touching, moving accross my lips. How sweet her lips were they tasted like red whine on a summer night. As the breeze moved accross us and her hair circled my being I knew, that there was something sparking a fire between us. Is it possible that one girl for a few days could spark so much in a man? That when he says her name he is entranced by its loveliness, its rawness that makes him spin till he is dizzy drunk in love. Intoxicated yes by love he is, yet he feels no hangover no wish for the night to end but to keep spinning in heaven as he is. I may never see her again nor may she tell me that I am perfect again, but its completely right when she speaks. Her voice is like a soothing medication that everyone craves for. She drives me wild after so little I she is still embedded in my head. Some people may think I am obsessed but I see those people as those who don't believe in fatalism. I feel like I can rise into the clouds and lay when I think about life this way, I crave music in full blast, drink and eat to fill my belly, and so much love that I feel like I am in heaven. One kiss enters a note that may never leave, wow girl you got me spinning.. Is it possible?

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"Love" means, to most people at least, forming the strongest kind of positive emotional bond possible based on a knowledge of that person and accepting them as they are, including their flaws, and being able to live with them in a day to day kind of way, not just in romantic moments.


So personally, no, I dont think you can fall in love when you just look at someone. LUST, sure! You can certainly look at someone and feel your heart race and go dizzy and whatever, and it might make you want to get to know them better so EVENTUALLY fall in love with them...but no, its not Love at all, that takes time and acceptance and bonding...whats described above, its hormones dude.

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See man thats the thing ive been in love before, believe me i know what it is, it was more than hormones. Hormones is lust. this was a want, but not a lust, when you look at someone in the eyes and feel like everything is right, and you know when you kiss their lips this could be it that aint lust that is just a connection. and right a connection and possibly even love. Maybe its to idealistic for you, thats ok lots of people are like that, i was for a logn time and in no way is it bad to look at it that way, its just i think that maybe even if it wasnt love it was the best connection ive ever had including the two year relationship, and the girl i was in love wit

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