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i'm going to one of those speed dating things

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I would say the #1 question to ask is:




If you, yourself are looking for a relationship, and not just a casual date- the answer to that question will be very helpful to know from the people you'll meet.


Finding out what people's future goals are in their careers, etc. can also help to tell you alot about them in a relatively short amount of time.




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In all honesty, I wouldn't have a thing to say at one of these events, either. They sound pretty ghastly, to tell you the truth. I don't like the concept of "musical chair" dating. It seems to me a key tactic when searching for a relationship partner is to not judge too much by first impressions (unless they're really, really bad) and instead, to find out more about a person beyond the superficial first layers.


I find speed dating really indicative of our society's hurry, hurry, hurry & keep everything abbreviated mentality. Email, text messaging, fast food, buy cheap goods/throw them away when they break/buy new ones again, and now....speed dating. Ack.

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lol, I saw an episode of Dr. Phil with speed dating...


Basically most people don't know what to ask apart from the usual "How old are you", "what do you do", "What brought you here"...


But what do you really want to know?


The relationship question is one...


Ask about THEM...


Was there something that went wrong in a previous relationship that he plans to change in himself now?


What does he find to be admirable and attractive qualities?


Does he have any ambitions or big goals in the near future?


What is his best and worst characteristic?


In a nutshell, how would you/friends/whoever describe them?

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I've heard that on speed-dating, the best question to ask is this:


(First, shake her hand, and do not let go the grip of the handshake, until she lets go first, if necessary, stay the full 2-3 minutes or whatever, with the handshake if she is not letting go the grip. It provides for an ackward funny moment and bonding. Give her a naughty type of smile when she is approaching you)


'What is your passion?' If they have no passion in life, or understand what you mean by that question, have a great 2-3 minutes and move on to the next person.


If she does describe her passion, and it seems that there is a door to find out more about her, then engage the conversation further, by seeing how you could relate to her passion, and seeming curious about it to find out more. Seem really interested in 'her passion', and insist that you are intrigued and would like to hear more about whatever her passion is. Finally, ask her to select you. Important - chances are increased with this act.


Ok, once you have her contact information, then congradulations. Your job is just to appear interested in her, get her talking, and ask for her contact.


You will be different from the other guys there because, most of the guys are doing all or most of the talking, or trying to impress the girls, but you are going to be a listener, and you are going to ask her that question before she has the chance to pry into your business, and by putting her on the spot on that question, you have the automatic hand and are in control.


Good luck, and if it bombs, don't worry, go and watch 40-year old's Virgin movie on the Speed-dating scene, it's hilarious. AT least whatever happens, it cant bomb that badly.

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If some guy would not let go of my hand within the first two minutes of meeting him, I would make a really hasty exit. And I don't think I'd be comfortable with some guy "naughtily" smiling at me either - sounds too much like a leer. Ick.

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What was the last movie you saw?


What was the last music you bought? (you did BUY it, yes?) ha ha


What's your favorite web site?


Where's your favorite place to go on vacation? What do you do when you get there?


How many hours do you usually work in an average work week?


Do you have any pets?


Do you have any children?


What do you do for a living?


What was the last book you read? Magazine? Newspaper?


When was the last time you went to a public library? Why did you go?


Do you like to cook? What do you like to eat?


Does speed dating make you nervous? Have you tried it before?


How much time do you spend alone?


How much time do you spend watching television every day on average?


What do you think of George Bush?


Do you live alone? Do you like it?


Do you attend church?


Do you believe in God?


If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?


Do you answer your cell phone while the checker is ringing your groceries?


What's your personal motto?


Do you have an avatar? What's it look like? Why did you select it?


Where do you shop?

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