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I don't know what to do!!!

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Since the house is such a stressfull environment, the library must be your escape, your place to focus on your study, to get rid of stress, to achieve your dreams, to calm your angry dad, and to be not where you dad is. This way you can reduce your dependancy also on the house, then eventually find a place of your own to stay. You don't have to feel alone cuz we are always here for you ^_^ *hugs*

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This is a really crappy and difficult situation to be in. I too grew up in an extremely difficult home.


Sadly, there really isn't much you can do besides trying to avoid your father and stay strong. Hanging out in the library is a good idea. Maybe you can also try and become involved in extra curricular activities at your school. They have the primary effect of giving you something constructive to do and keep you away from home, and on top of that they will look good on your college applications.


For me, my house turned into a place that I slept in, but wasn't really home. Fortunately my room is in the attic so I was able to shut out much of the negativity by isolating myself. Hopefully you can do the same. Maybe this behavior with your dad will blow over and he'll start acting more tolerable.

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There's one other possibility....relatives!


I left home early bc my mum was an alcoholic. I stayed at friends homes for weeks at a time: but that only went so far.

I had an aunt who took me in for a time.

Something to think about.

If the situation is terribly bad, it's worth the upheaval of moving somewhere peaceful for the remaining year you have.


what you choose, my heart goes out to you. That is rough.

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