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She Dumped me and so i am trying to hook up with her Best Friend Am i an ***?

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I have been with my ex for almost 3 years and i love her so much, but she dumped me last month because there is a guy that is 8 years older than her and she told me he is nice to her.. i am 23 years old she is 19. i am still calling her from time to time but she never calls me. once i told her that i am trying to hook up with her friend, she was pissed and mad. now she doesn't talk to me anymore. my purpose of hooking up with her friend is to get her attention. guess i did a very dumb thing. by the way, her friend is hotter and nice too. i guess i will just have to really hook up with her friend. my ex actually told me that we might be together in future but well what the * * * *, she is selfish. now she doesn't even go online i guess she is trying to avoid me. the one outdoor is my ex, the one indoor is my ex's friend.

i hate my ex, she doesn't care about my feeling. yeah have fun with the old ugly [oh, he had 2 ex gf that dumped him i guess he is not a good man afterall.


if you think i am an [ please say so.

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First of all I have to tell you that I don't think it is cool to post pictures of either girl when you don't want to show your own face.


And what you are doing with her friend is not cool either because you are using her.

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First of all I have to tell you that I don't think it is cool to post pictures of either girl when you don't want to show your own face.


And what you are doing with her friend is not cool either because you are using her.


I completely agree!


...guess i did a very dumb thing....


You think!?


Your ex is justified in not wanting to talk to you. I would be pissed at you too if you tried to hook up with my friend just to make me jealous. She is only 19 and you are 23 and it is sad that you are the one being so childish. She has every right to be pissed at you stooping so low as to try to get her attention AND use her best friend in the process! Why should she care about your feelings when you so obviously don't care about hers or anyone's for that matter? You would be willing to use her friend to get what you wanted? Yeah, I think that makes YOU selfish.


P.S. There's no need to bash this other guy simply because she dumped you for him.

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i'm not going to call you names but i do think you should make better use of your time. revenge is maybe the worst reason to hook up, and if you don't care about your ex, why would you care who she's with or whether her feelings are hurt or not? and if you do still secretly care about her deep down inside, why would you cause her pain? c'mon guy, take the high road. you'll feel better inside.

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Revenge is always tempting I know how you feel. I found myself in a situation kind of like yours but a lot different. What I learned is, if you like the friend go for it. If you dont, than its not fair to the friend. And as hard as this is if she doesn't want you forget about her. Theres plenty more and maybe if she's not the center of your attention she'll be interested in you again?

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