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need some advice

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me and my ex were together for about 3 years. We tried to work it out but it just never worked. I had caught her lying to me several times. She would purposely try to make me jealsous with other men. Even used my close friends to try and"get a reactin out of me." After three years of putting up with this crazy attention seeking behaviour, I decided that it would be best that we both go our separate ways. Even though we had ruff times I love her very much and respect her. Here is my current problem: She became very bitter when I broke off the relationship. We have been in NC for about 2 weeks when she calls out of the blue to say that she is being kicked out of her place by her landlord and moving into a house with a friend, lets call him bob. Then she goes on about how she "cant believe im not dating anyone as of yet". So I of course take it as she is already dating someone. I ask her and she then says that she is dating bob. This so called friend. So I tell her that im glad she is happy and we end the convo. She then calls me back up and says that she was just kidding and that the reason she used the name bob was because she was in his room at the time and that his name was all over his wall. * * *??????? Is that not a mindfk or what? Is it possible that she move on that quick?????? I mean damn! I would never screw with her mind like that. Do you guys think thats messed up? Or am I getting what I deserve because I broke off the relationship. That what she says.

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do you really need that kind of aggro? i never forgot all the lies my ex dumped on me. one small hurt piled on top of another until the camel's back finally snapped and i came to realize she truly didn't have a conscience. of course she blamed me for the breakup but i don't give two f***s.


imo it's time to move on.

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I dont know why I respect her! Its so crazy. I guess its the guilt. I know its the guilt. I feel so guilty that i come up with excuses for her behaviour. I mean, would I ever do that to her....hell no! I f I was with someone else right now, Id probably lie just because its so soon and I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings. But she didnt give a rats * * * * *. I find myself excusing her behavior because of the fact that I feel guilty for ending the relationship and causing her alot of pain.

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She is one of those people who treats people badly and can't bear the fact that they won't tolerate her doing that.


You do not deserve that sort of behaviour at all - don't let her guilt you into taking the blame for what she did. It was her fault not yours.

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heyyy but i think she is prety screwed up by this break up too. probably u were like her rock and now even u think she is a bit nutso. i feel kind of sorry for her. i dont think u should feel guilty for breaking up with her, her issues were not ur responsibilty.


take care and best of luck.

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