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Keeping NC but starting to crack...

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hi. i've been using this forum since my girl left me a few months back. Just one of those things - she didn't think I loved her as much as I really did, she kissed someone, etc... whole thing seemed to come outta nowhere. But the forum's been a big help, and I now see how I have made past break-ups worse by my actions, so I've been trying very hard to follow the advice on this forum in order to move on with minimal hurt to either of us.


I've been in no contact with her since about a week after we split. It was a break up drawn over the course of a week or two, so the last time I saw her was to finish it without too much regret, tell her I love her and say goodbye sorta thing. End it on good terms. So I told her one last time, even though it felt too late in coming. After that, I've been maintaining radio silence.


Then a couple months later her aunt sends me a message (she said she'd keep in touch), basically saying how her niece missed me and was 'foolish'. Almost asking me "maybe you would call her?" I basically said that I missed her too (just being honest), but it wasn't my place to pressure her any more. I will probably hear from the aunt again at some point. She had high hopes for us both.


But to be honest, that family contact has sent me reeling. To hear she misses me was nice to hear at first, but its just ended up confusing me. Now a part of me wants to call her, like there's a window of opportunity there for something.. something other than nothing. But the louder voice just says NO CONTACT.


I think if she wanted to reconcile, she'd let me know. But is this always true? Is it possible she could regret her decision but still feel its too late? Is there any appropriate contact that would help from my side? Is there really nothing more I can do to improve my odds? I'd like her to contact me obviously, but if she doesn't, how long before its too long to say hi? 6 months? A year?

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Hey bro, if she _really_ did miss you, she'd call ... her Aunt means well, but is slightly biased in that she wants you both together ... whereas your ex-chick kissed _someone else_, so she has the issue. You don't want to put yourself back in that situation, what happens if she does it again? Same problem all over again. She may miss having you around, but she doesn't miss _you_, because she hasn't made contact. There is a difference. Let her sweat, you took the high road, let her get on the highway as well.



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