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so yes, almost 3 weeks of nc.no calling no txting no e-mailing. trying to survive. learning more about myself. being stronger each day. self confidence on the rise. regained the discipline and self control. loving myself each day. there are times that i miss her. but i realize that it's just that i "want" her not "need" her. but in truth i miss her as a person.

it's tough, but i'm getting there. but soon enough i'll be that man she once fell for or better yet a completely new man better than the old me, that even if she doesn't come back, i know i'm a catch for someone else.


had a nightmare of her though. where i went to an apartment to get all my stuff back, and there she was coming out of the elevator saying nasty things to me, in which i stormed out of the building. gosh.


anyways after her text message ( the one about her apologizing about calling me at work, how she wanted to know how i was and how she wanted to return my book, in addition where she was flying to.) 1 week later i received several phone calls. she called my home phone. but i wasn't at home. she called my cell phone but my cell phone wasn't on me either. she called my cell several times back to back.


i don't know what to do now. call her back? could it be an emergency?

i don't know.

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I'm not sure, it could be an emergency, I say just wait till she calls again, hopefully you're around that time to find out lol. If she wants to get back together, you'll have some serious thinking to do. But if you didn't need her then, you probably need her even less now. Goodluck!

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You could call, just to say " I realize you tried to call me a few times, everything ok?" It will give you piece of mind that there is nothing wrong. NC is the best way to heal from a break up. As long as you find out she's ok, I'd let her go asap. Not a good idea to make small talk, that could lead to conversations about the two of you & completely set you back.

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I wouldn't call her. Unless she left you a vm saying "I'm sorry. I miss you. I want to reconcile" I would not call her.


She's just testing the waters to make sure you're still there for her. Don't give her the satisfaction that you still care. Maintain NC. Be strong. She's on a fishing expedition.


My ex did that too. He would call me up every week leaving stupid vms that made no sense. I ignored him and refused to pick up every time he called. Eventually he sent me an e-mail telling me that he made a mistake and wanted me back, I still ignored him. He had to ask a friend to talk to me because he knew I wasn't going to talk to him. What I am trying to get at is, if she wanted to get back together with you she knows what she needs to do. Her calls are just curiosity calls to make sure you're still on the string. Ignore them. Maintain NC and heal yourself. Be strong. You've been doing so well, keep it up!

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karma i read your post too late.

but found out she was ok. she was disappointed that i called her up 24 hours after her calls. she just wanted to return the books and something else. she wanted to say something to me but forgot. she wanted to find out how i was. i kept saying "meh, whatever you say so". and she kept saying, "you're doing fine, come on you're a great guy" . GRRR. burns me up on the inside to hear that she "cares" .didn't mention anything else to her didn't mention us, the relationship, didn't beg or plead or bargain. it felt quite indifferent talking to her. but deep down inside i miss talking to her and being her man.


she wants to meet up and "chill" whatever that means. i told her i'll have to think about it with exams coming up and all.


what to do now. what to do.

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