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motavation problem

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hey all, well you see I have this problem, everytime I try to do something, half way through I lose intrest, which really sucks because I want to write a book. Yet everytime I try, no matter what I get borred with what I'm doing. But this isn't just wiht writing it comes to EVERY aspect in my life, how can I stop this? Whats up with me?

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wow, i do the exact same thing...

my whole life, no matter what it is that Im doing, Ive always started out excited and motivated, but I just fade out until I dont care about it anymore. Now, when I get bored with a project or something of the like, I just take a step back to clear my mind, and I'll force myself to remember that I have finish the job. Something else that helps is if you find something in whatever your doing to keep yourself motivated. For instance, lets say you have to rake up the leaves (not the best example, but I hated it when I was a kid). What I would do is rake the leaves into words or pictures, or try to shape the leaves into buildings. I know it can be frustrating, but you'll find a way to get past it...

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Well, I think that almost any project you start, has a middle part. The first part is exciting, because it's new and different. The last part brings with it the satisfaction of completion and a sense of accomplishment. It's the middle part that's the toughest and most dangerous. You have to keep plugging away. If it's a big project, like a book or an oil painting, you may have to work for quite some time. It's dangerous because this is when you will be most likely to give up. Perhaps you could start with shorter projects and work your way to longer ones, as you develop creative patients and start having some sucessful completions that lead to feeling sucessful.

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yuh i agree with evy enitrely. It makes sense to start off small and work your way up. If your going to start writting and move right to a book, thats like taking up mountain climbing and going straight to everest. Start off writing poems, short stories, funny little stories just to humor yourself and others, once you got that down you get a basic idea of what you can accomplish and your means of doing it.

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What I find helps is using smal goals to help achieve the big goal. For example you have a vision that you want to write a book. Well if you only see the whole book you will be looking at your progress as part of this whole. Well one page of 400 doesnt sound like much progress. So set yourself smaller goals that will add up and form the overall vision. Set a goal to finish one chapter every month. So when you finish one page of a chapter it will be one of 15 pages as opposed to 400 pages. In no time you will have 12 chapters and your book will be well on its way. It too easy to get discouraged if you set your goals to high.

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