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Best way to deal with someone of a violent nature??

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Basically there is this person I know who haves many criminal links and has a past that is not in line with the law. Has been arrested and charged on numerous occasions for GBH and ABH. I was friends/acquaintances with him. Until the other day he came online mouthing me off saying he going to put me in hospital and stuff like that. Even to the extent he would shoot me (he has a gun with no serial btw). As of yet he has given me no reason of why he is annoyed all he says is me and my mate are back stabbing pr**ks and we are also c***s. So I emailed him asking what it was up and this is how our email conversations have gone. And do you think I handled it well thus far?



I said nature twice that ruined the whole email. Wish I spotted that before I sent it

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Lol, it's very wordy, and not just by saying nature twice.


Buttt...I think you got your point accross. Granted, I don;t really know what he wrote because I stopped trying to read it.


If he threatens you again, file a report. Keep these emails as evidence. Otherwise, cut him out of your life.

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In my younger days I would shrug about crazy guys like this and return the favor in kind but looking back, I think distance is the best method. Give this guy space so he can find other demons to fight.

People really do get violent and ruin lives. Fights with psychos aren't worth it, and unlike in the movies, result in real lifelong damage.


Talk to a cop about it.

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I would recommend trying to cut this guy out of your life period. Nothing as dramatic as telling him "I don't want to speak to you anymore," just try and distance yourself.


And yeah, if he threatens you again go to the police. If you know for certain he has a gun (and even better, if you know where he keeps it) then you can make an anonymous tip to the police. They raid him, find it, he wont be bothering you again for a long time. I'd only recommend that though if he's having problems with other people, so he couldn't be sure it was you who made the tip.

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haha yeah I thought about that, but can't quite remember where he keeps it. I threw his last gun in a car he stole and set on fire lol. But they told me once where it was kept, wish Icould remember And the most weird thing about thisis I haveno idea why he is like this. And the email I wrote was in a hurry and Icould have done so much better if I tried, but well he wont understand that so whats the point.



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1. Distance youself. Stop playing with him via email.

2. If he keeps coming after you, file a report.

3. If he threatens you in writing again, have him arrested.

4. Consider your own gun. At first it's scary to own one, but over time it can be very empowering knowing you can defend youself. However, read a lot about the laws and safe gun handling, etc.


Always review your local laws. Know your rights. And don't let anyone bully you.

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Consider your own gun. At first it's scary to own one, but over time it can be very empowering knowing you can defend youself. However, read a lot about the laws and safe gun handling, etc.


Always review your local laws. Know your rights. And don't let anyone bully you.


I think Jon may be in Britain where they have strict gun laws and may not be able to own one etc.


Whereabouts are you Jon?

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haha I cant own a gun I live in England. Infact think you not allowed to even own a gun these days unless your a farmer or use it for proper sporting needs. The just did a big call and got people to hand in all the guns they have without the far of prosecution.


And wow a machine gun I would not mind one of those. Thats probably why in America they have released that car and for an extra $70k you can get a machine gun turret on roof and stock you have bullet proof armor and its mine proof (not a Hummer by the way).



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