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Date someone with a child/children?

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Hey everyone,


I have gotten mixed answers with this. Would you date someone who has kids? I have a 2 1/2 year old son, so this applies to me, but my friend is going through a divorce and has 2 young girls. She thinks no one would ever want to date her again cuz of this (she's young, 22...)


What do you guys think? If you were interested but found out they had children, would you walk?

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Thought it might be harder than if she didn't have kids...I know plenty of both men and women with children who manage to find themselves plenty of dates. I don't know if age would make a difference though as they are all about 30-40... I can't see any of the people around my age, early 20's sticking around unfortunately.

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Me Personally, No way! But keep in mind I have no children of my own and don't particularly want any, and least of all having some other woman hanging around the scene to pick up her kids and all that. It all depends on the person! Some people might think that's Great! Over all, I do think slightly more people will be ruled out for your friend than if she didn't have kids, but think of it this way, she's probably more apt to date men who have kids than, say someone like me who would not. So...thereforeeee in someways she has MORE options available to her!

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Just to add a new perspective and maybe give single mothers with kids here new hope, I'm one of the guys who loves kids. I've dated 2 different women both with kids, and I loved it. Its a little tougher trying to get out and do things sometimes but was never a huge deal. I never went into trying to be a dad to the kids, and that expectation was never there on her side, and I think that is VERY important. But certainly your friend isn't in any position to never get another date.

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