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Ok. well i have a gf..and weve been going out for like 4 months and all..but i think shes a little afraid to actually kiss..like make out or open mouth..and somedays we dont even talk to each other its rly annoying... but i love her a lot and she loves me... but then there's this other girl..and shes really beautiful..and she likes me she thinks im hott and she was telling my friend how she wanted to go out with me..and she like asked for a picture of my stomache.. (ya a 6 pack) loll..but the thing is..i kinda like her to..even tho i have a gf..and its really hard to choose from..both of them are extremely pretty girls..but i think i have a better chance of having a better relationship with the other girl not my gf...ughh i dont no wat too doo plz help lol

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Well, I don't think you "love" your girlfriend if you can like another girl the same way and even consider breaking up with your girlfriend for the new one. I'd say you should seriously evaluate your relationship with your current girlfriend and if you don't like it then end it. Then whatever happens with the girl happens. Try to not let the new girl influence your decision on your present relationship.

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  • 3 weeks later...

go with your gut intinct, if its the other girl, then kindly break up with your current girlfriend....




if I were you, id keep my girlfriend for a little bit longer just to see if she wares on you or if things just continue to get more boring.


If your more comfortable with the other girl, first talk to her and make sure she wants a boyfriend before breaking up with your girlfriend...

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  • 1 month later...

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