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Shy guy and eye contact

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I like a shy guy who is only shy around me from what I have gathered...I catch him looking at me and he's always hanging around me but won't talk directly to me, rather the people who are around me. I am trying to make eye contact when I am near him and he always reciprocates, like we totally look right into each others eyes when we look at each other but sometimes I am puzzeled by this funny "scared" look that he gets like a "deer in the headlights" look. It makes me feel a bit insecure that maybe he doesn't really like me. Does this make sense? Can any shy guys out there explain this? How should I read it? Should I just stop trying to make eye contact and connect with him?

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well....one thing that'll definitly open him up.....if he is shy....is next time when u guys lock eyes.....smile and say hi without saying the hi....so just basically say hi silently.....and make sure he sees u say that hi.....i dunno why but it works....lol.....i am almost definitly sure he'll say hi back....and voila! conversation is just at ur finger tips!

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Id say he likes ya. I am the same way I can't look girls Im attracted to in the eyes. The scared look is because he doesn't know what youll think of him since hes looking at you. He only speaks to those around mainly becuase of the scared thing. If what you posted here is true, he likes ya.

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