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He couldn't finish

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The other night me and this guy I've known a while ended up going home together and we had sex. We were having so much fun, that this went on for about two hours! We were both a little drunk and he seemed quite nervous (he asked me if I was nervous, as if he was himself) Do you think this is the reason why it didn't happen for him? We seemed to be having such a good time.


Also, why would a guy (a different one) who has just come immediately rush to the toilet afterwards??? I mean did he actually come or was this an excuse? Also we seemed to be having a good time. This is something that happened over a year ago, but I still cannot work it out - he just rushed off (but came back again lol!)

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You said this happened the other night and then mentioned it happened over a year ago? Are you talking about different situations?


If a guy can't come, it's no big deal. Liquor can have that effect. Oh lord can I vouch for that. So can nervousness. It's not a marker for his manliness or anything. It happens.


As for rushing to the bathroom, if he was wearing a condom (he WAS wearing a condom right?) he might just want to get it off and wipe himself. My ex always did that and he would come right back and switch on the tv *rolls eyes*.

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Alcohol slows down the brains ability to send messages around the body... usually why sex can end in disaster if you have gotten yourself quite drunk and also reduces the ability to 'get it up'... It is all completely normal


Also, why would a guy (a different one) who has just come immediately rush to the toilet afterwards???


Urinating after orgasm helps to protect the body by flushing away against any infections and diseases

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I just had this problem... went out srinking, went back to her place, had sex for hours and I couldn't finish... finally succumbed to exhaustion. But hey, I had fun and she enjoyed it... and I slept like a rock.


As for the rushing to the bathroom. Depends... maybe he had to pee. Or, maybe he thinks sex is icky and so wants to get cleaned up. Or maybe he wanted to stare at his penis in the mirror and scream "You da man!". Who knows... guys can be weird sometimes.

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