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wow it's been so long since i have visited enotalone.

it just seems like spring has sprung and washed away all the problems and questions from fall and winter... and it's time for a fresh start.

this makes me overjoyed...

i'm so happy it's most likely dangerous but i guess one deserves to be like this sometimes.

i've been contemplating speaking w/ this woman @ school... and i think she has been thinking the same thing. she got to it before me and that just brings the biggest grin to my face.


i don't know this is more or less a feel good ramble... ultimatelly it boils down to figuring out what i want i think... and not having to take shots in the dark to figure out what others want.


okay... that's enough for now though.

must go enjoy the 50 degrees of coldness... but atleast the grass is green

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i feel you on this 100%.


I love the feel of spring. Winter is a drag. Its always dark and raining. Spring is when plants grow and flowers blossom. The sun comes out and brightens the whole day.


Spring = a whole new beginning.


good post !!!!!

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Spring is the time of year to get out there, to meet new people, to do new things.


It's raining here in the prairies today, and I couldn't be happier. Why do grey skies and rain make me happy you ask? Because it's warm enough that it's not SNOW, it's melting the snow that is on the ground quicker, and because it is the promise of new blooms and green grass to come.


For the past week that it's been mild, I've gotten so much done, I've taken the pups to the dog park for much deserved runs, I've been going to my classes religiously, I've gotten other school business done, I've gone swimming at the community pools, I want to be outside, doing stuff.


I love spring.


ESPECIALLY after a long dreary prairie winter.

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