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My first gf of 8 months broke up with me yesterday. I knew it was coming as we both weren't happy - so it was kind of a mutual decision with her just making move.


I felt pretty bad initially - lots of crying and beating myself up about things I'd done wrong. But just a day later and I'm feeling pretty good, as though a weight has been lifted off my mind. I'm still sad, but I'm not sure what this means. Was I not really in love with her (I thought I was) or am I in a state of shock and denial before the real pain hits me?


In all honesty, I feel pretty positive right now. Has anyone else experienced this in the first few days of a breakup?

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It's either as you are still in the shock and denial stage, or maybe there was so much stress and problems in the relationship you feel relieved (which signals it's probably a good thing it is over).


You'll have good days and bad days, but in time you'll heal from it.

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OK, well I still don't feel half as bad as I thought I would. I think I went through all of the breakup emotions before we actually broke up as I knew it was coming.


Anyway, I really miss her Just as someone to be with. I keep thinking of all the good times we had, even till recently and the thought that I'm never going to be with her again is horrible. I'll never see her funny smile, hear her silly voices or funny dances. It's so sad that all of the good times we had mean so little now we're not together... Breaking up sucks - not just because you lose a girlfriend, but because you pretty much lose a friend.

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