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I Haven't Felt This Way Before...


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He's the blond-haired, blue-eyed athletic guy that every girl dreams of being with. I'm the typical nerd who never seems pretty to herself. I met him last Tuesday at a badminton match, he had heard from a couple of his friends that I play the same video games as them, so he came over and struck up a conversation. We talked throughout the entire match, he invited me to play cards with his friends, I swear I was in heaven. On the way home, we sat on the bus together and he asked for my screen name... he ended up IMing me and talking pretty much the whole night.


We don't have any classes together, but he invited me to hang with his friends in their science class when I had a free period this week. After school, for the past few days, we've also hung out until practice started.


I've only really known him for a few days, but I feel like I've known him forever. He says he feels the same way about me. I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone before, even my past two boyfriends. The problem is that I know I'll never be able to date him. He has a very pretty girlfriend who he's been dating for a while. And even so, he's the cute jock, and I'm the nerd... in high school, that doesn't work out.


I'm not really looking for advice, I was just wondering if anyone ever felt the same way I do about someone they've only known for a few days. I feel so incredibly close to him, and we can talk for hours about anything. Is that kinda like a soulmate? Feel free to give your opinions =)

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Yeah I have felt that way,it is a wonderful feeling.It looks like you have made a new friend.You never know someday it may happen between you both you never know life is funny you should never rule anything out life is strange.But as for now just be happy you have found someone you feel close to and enjoy being with.Yeah you almost call that sort of thing like a soulmate,someone who totally understands you,someone you feel comfortable with ...someone who really gets ..YOU.

It can also be called chemistry and that does not always have to do with romantic relations..after all even when we make any kind of friend something has to be there..some interest,a connection.

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I am much older than you but yes I have felt the same way and am currently in the same situation to an extent. I have always had a semi-low self esteem and even though everyone told me I was pretty I never felt it truly on the inside till now. I was the outcast in HS, not popular with not that many friends. I had only dated abusive men until I found the man that I am currently with. It truly feels like he is "the one" when I am around him I am totally uninhibited. I am free, I have no insecurities I am not afraid to talk to him about anything. He makes me feel like a completely free new woman. I haven't known him all that long sense the start of Feb. Well I had met him a few months before that but in Feb. is when we began talking every day for hours. Our relationship started the start of March. He is long distance and in the army so we don't see each other much. But we see each other every other weekend so far. I am falling in love with him and he recently told me he is falling in love with me. It all seems to be happening so fast, it is kind of scary but time is not exactly on my side. In October he is moving to Italy for 3 years. He is talking about me going with him and the only way that is possible is if we got married. I know it sounds insane sense everything is happening so fast...but perhaps there is a reason for it being so sudden. He truly feels like the man I have dreamt of sense I was a little girl. He is the first non abusive man I have been with, he makes me totally and utterly happy and complete. I am just taking it one day at a time seeing where the road leads us. If it is meant to be it will be. As for you......Just take things one day at a time and perhaps you can atleast if anything get a wonderful friendship out of it. You never know what the future has in store for you. Just live life to the fullest taking it one step at a time.


Alicia (an ordinary girl in this ordinary world)

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Anything could happen.


I'm not in the US, obviously, and I appreciate that I can't appreciate just how dynamics work in American highschools, but . . does the fact that you are a *nerd* or whatever really matter that much, if he likes you, he likes you!


Although if he has a girlfriend, tread carefully with no flirting, as she may get mad if she thinks you are hitting on him.

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