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I have just split up with a guy from work which is fine obviously I miss him and love him so much. Just I can't cope when another girl at work is flirting with him on the phone I can't handle it I just want to cry whenever he is on the phone to her. I asked him not to do as it really hurts me and he said he would not as he would do anything for me. Just wanted to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and how did they cope?

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The answer to your question Supremeshiningdiva is yes. It's going to hurt and it will hurt even more when you learn he has a girlfriend. But I've learned that once you confront that fear (instead of avoiding it and pretending it's not going to happen to protect your feelings), you just go through the emotions and then it's over with. Sure, learning about new women in his life is hurting you now, but tomorrow it's not going to hurt so bad and it will hurt even less next week. It's just one of those things you have to confront and get through. Yes, you can tell him it bothers you but it wont do anything to protect you from what you're really fearful from: Him finding a new girlfriend. It's just something you're going to have to learn to deal with. It stinks, I know.

Honestly, I think it would be very hard to work with an ex.

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