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Do kids ever learn??

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Just wondering if kids ever learn not to tease other kids nor bully others at school when they grow up, do they were feel bad afterwards. Cuz see, as a kid, due to my reserved nature, shyness, got teased everyday till middle school. At one point when I was in my junior year in high shcool, I even called my elementary school to inform them about the emotional bullings when I was 10, but all they told me was that it's way to late and I should have told them at the time.

I'm beginning to wonder if those kids, who are now my age, don't they at least recognizehow they were treating me was unfairly that I was wanted to be accepted, join in a group, at some point like 3 years ago, I came down to even hating these real mean girls, that I had thoughts of betaing the crap out of them and the stupid guys who teased me, even made a prank phone call to one of the guy, I was so mad one time.

I hope by brother doens't do that when he starts going to school, I would be mad as heck if I knew he was doing it, in fcat I would either give him time-out for it or withdraw my attention for a little while and make him see how it would definitely hurt me. Well, getting over it, but if I ever came accross one of them and he/she apologize, I would forgive him/her.

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Some never realize it sad but true and some do and feel very sorry for it. Bullies are really cowards inside. They try to make other people feel bad and for some reason it makes them feel good knowing that they have knocked down another person to feeling as bad as they are...


Or they are insecure and want to knock down another person because they admire them and know somehow that person is prettier, smarter.. better than they are and inside they cant stand it.


Just know that what they did to you has made you a stronger better person. Learn from it.

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Honestly, I was a bully in school. I picked on a girl so much she went home and cried everyday after school. I know this because in highschool we became friends and she told me that sometimes she didn't want to go to school. I picked on one kid who was like 6 ft when we were in middle school. He could have stepped on me or something lol but he said even though I was a tiny girl my words hurt and made him feel horrible everyday. Both of these people I later on became friends with and it was a learning experience for me. I've never been that rude to anyone else in my life. Maybe it was because I was mature when they found out and at the time we were kids and it was really stupid. I dont know, but I feel bad everytime I look back on it. I don't deserve them as friends but I'm thankful they forgave me and we got to start over.

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Some kids learn.


Many don't.


I was picked on and teased A LOT when I was in school. I was different from everyone else, but moreso because my parents had eroded what little self-esteem I had and I wasn't able to stand up for myself. As I got older, because of my sharp-wit, I became a bully of sorts, taking the fight back to the people who would pick on me. Eventually I got so good at it, I just became a bully myself.


I've now learned a lot about why I've been that way. I haven't really made amends, and I still am brutal if someone picks on me, but I do know that I am a bully.

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I hate the bullying cycle - people learn that attack is the best form of defence, so it becomes a case of *bully or be bullied*.


I had low level bullying in primary school when I was 6, and it was the first of many incidents that may well have triggered my eating disorder of 4+ years . . all these little things add up. But how would that other 6 year old have known that? She wouldn't...nothing is that simple (sadly).


I wouldnt say I ever bullied/was a bully, but I know I can be extremely vitriolic if I choose, and I have the kind of face that can look terrifying when Im angry. Intimidation Id prefer as a tactic over bullying; it's probably technically a form of bullying though.

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Once when I was in highschool... I was fifteen (now 28 ). I was only 4'9' maybe 110 lbs... These three big girls used to follow me around and call me names.. half pint... scrub... SOS Pad (I have spiral curly hair) ... It was very scary. This went on for about 2 months.


Finally, I had had enough! One day when they were walking behind me I threw off my bookbag. I turned around. I took off one of my shoes and held it in my hands.. I stood up to them and I said 'alright which one of you want a piece of me because Im about to whoop your **** if you dont leave me alone!' They looked at me in shock and looked at eachother.. I was dead serious and there were people gathering all around. I was scared but ready to fight. There were three of them n all were taller and bigger than me.


Ill tell you though not one of them was willing to duke it out? They never bothered me again either. Bullies dont really want someone to stand up for theirself. Bullies are cowards. It felt so good to stand up for myself... lessons learned.

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I was tormented in middle school....so much that I would pretend to be sick just so I could stay home. I have no idea if the people who did that realise or even care. I am sure that they had some issues about themselves that made them put me down so that they could feel better about themselves. My 13 year old step daugter is quite the bully.. but if SHE gets bullied-on, she gets very upset. But she continues to bully others, so I think they really dont realise what they do hurst others, even if it happens to them.

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