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Well, i hav no1 else to talk to... i found this site i jus needa vent my problems i think i need advice


When i was 15 i was on highschool football team everything was goin good for me... 2nd semester i started to fail all of my classes gettin high with my friends all the time cut class everyday...got suspended at the end of the year failed 9th grade. Had to repeat it. I dropped out. I registered with some online schooling quit it after couple weeks.


I did nothing for 2 years. Just sat in my room pretty much for 2 yrs. It feels like ive lost a way to communicate with people.. idk. Im 17 now. i have about 6 months b4 my mom kicks me outa the house. I have no education. cant get a job.i feel like * * * *.


i dont know wut to do. if i had a gun right now i would kill myself.

my problems seem pretty pathetic huh?

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Welcome on the forum. You are not having pathetic problems. You had a very hard time, I can tell from your message. It makes me wonder about your parents, didn't they care to send you to a doctor or a counselor? What did they do when you sat in your room?


I think it might be best to start at the beginning. Meaning: finish school. Education is the door to a better future, if you start working now, you will probably end up in seasonal jobs picking fruits or cleaning (not that there's anything wrong with that, but I can imagine you want something else).


Contact your school and ask if they can help you. You have 4 months, that's still a while. As an underage, you are entitled to special help I think.


Why will your mom throw you out?


You want to change from the path you took 2 years ago, right? Start with school. I would also go to a doctor to see what (s)he can do for you. Offer some kind of guidance, a counselor, someone who can help you to put back your life together.


Take care,



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All is not lost, you still have a chance to finish your education, can you re enroll in courses or get your GED?


You still have alot of potential. Perhaps if you show your mom that you are serious about turning your situation around by trying to get back into school/GED courses, she will also extend your welcome at home.


What do you think?


Have you talked to anyone about your depression? A counselor, doctor, family member?

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well my dad died when i was 10. and i dont talk to my mom. we see eachother in the house.just nothing is said.

my mom is going to throw me out because im a bum i dont do anything.

+we dont have very much money we live in a rlly poor area, i know she struggles with the bills i meen my internet was shut off 2 weeks ago and we had it turned back on this week.


i was trying to get information about ged classes other day.

i dont want to go back to highschool. i will be the dumb 17 yr old guy in a class with a bunch of kids

but i do want to change

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Wanting to change is a step in the right direction. Can you look into GED courses? My friend did that and said it wasn't too hard.


Something else to consider is getting a part time job. Something that will get you out of the house, teach you some skills, help build self esteem and public interaction, and wouldn't it be nice to help your mom out with the bills?

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I agree. I'd start out by trying to finish school, and start working parttime. That way you can also help your mom out with the bills. I think it's cheapest for both of you to stay in her house, if you can contribute to the household for a little. Living on your own is more expensive.


I think the GED courses (sorry, I don't know what it means) are a good idea. In Holland we have education possibilities for adults to finish the courses of highschool themselves. Sure, at this moment, you will seem older if you were to go back to school. But on the bigger scheme, does that really matter? Later in life, you will thank yourself for having an education.



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You could walk into the ER/outpatient at any hospital and explain what's been going on. Do have a pediatrician that you used to see? You can also call him/her.


About GED courses (Ilse, a GED is a certificate that is equivilant to a high school diploma, basically), try contacting the guidance counselor or your former school and see what they can come up with. Also, some community colleges offer GED courses as well, so you could call around or look online and see what's out there.


A supermarket job is perfectly respectable- my 18 year old sister is working at one while she goes to college and she likes it just fine. It's money, and it gets you out of the house. I have a feeling if you gave your mom some money towards bills she might be inclined to let you stay on.


Also, helping her out with chores, dishes, laundry, trash duty, sweeping, etc, would make a difference too I'll bet.


Keep us updated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not having a job or education is NO reason to quit life. Don't run away from your problems, stick around and deal with them one at a time.


Fight for a life you deserve, work on getting your s*** together, help yourself through these thoughts of suicide, because that's all they are, just thoughts. Don't listen to them, accept them and ignore them as you carry on regardless and this bad time will pass, things will change, things will get better, but only if choose life.

If you don't, you can say goodbye to every dream you ever had and sentence your mum to a life of misery far worse than she is living now. She's already lost your Dad, she needs you, needs your support and help, don't make her suffer because you want to run away from yourself. That isn't fair.

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Sponge, I get the impression that you expect things to change overnight. Change takes time, a long time. You were on the right track by looking up the info on GED courses. Go to your former student counselor and they will be happy to give you the info. As for seeing a doctor, call any local hospital and they can recommend someone for you. Don't just give up.

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What I'm going to say now is going to change your life, read it and re-read it over and over.


"Knowledge is Power"


We here this all the time, but do we know what is really means, I will put this way it shows the true meaning.


"With out Knowledge we are powerless"


So to have the "power" to do things in this life you need the "Knowledge"

Doctor, Pilot, Policeman, gardener, artist, add man, baker and candlestick maker.

All have the "Knowledge to do there work.


There are to way to get this stuff called "Knowledge"


1: Learning = Education in a subject

2: Experience = doing it



There in your room you not doing either, so time to get up open the door and get some "Knowledge"


Now let's start with Education, there are to kinds


A: Directive Education = Teacher opens your head purse in "Facts, Figures, data, etc over a year. And at the end give you a test to see how much as leaked out.


B: Self Directive Education = You find a Teacher you open there head and take out what you wont to know then you pop it n your head. Once there you go and test your self by 2: Experience = doing it


B is what you do once school ends, from Unit on to PhD its all Self Directive Education.

So how would you like to jump ahead of the other Kids all 17 all sat there head open have stuff pursed in. Its easy start Self Directive Education now should give you a year's jump on them.


Note down what you won't to learn about or collage you would like to go to, find out what

"Knowledge" you need to know. Get the books, taps, DVDs, web sites cause notes any and every thing on it, get some food a place to sit and start reading it all.

Find others that have done it, go see teachers in Uni/Collage and ask for there because notes even thaw you're not going there yet, and read around the subject.


Also learn to love learning, read about the history of science why it is what it is, where did chemistry and Theology come from and good book shop is over flowing with Knowledge just waiting to be pulled off the self's and into your head. There's a grate book called "How to get a PhD" read it yep its years ahead of you but why should that stop you,


I left school at 15 with no examination I'm now doing and Doctorate at UCL.

I'm profoundly Dyslexic but once I figured out that I have never looked back.


Once more


"Knowledge is Power"


Say it out lowed every day to your self.


Knowledge every bit of it from where ever its from gives you one more chunk of power make your dreams come true, to save your life, to find love, to do grate things and help your kids.

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  • 2 months later...

I havent had internet for awhile now... a couple months maybe. I have been in St lukes hospital behavorial center for teens because i tried and failed to commit suicide. I sliced my forearms open 15+ times. Well it didnt work and right now i am saying thank god it didnt. My sister happened to walk into the room and see what i was doing to myself and i immediantly stopped cutting and tried to hide it.


It was too late she had already seen my arms and told my mom that day. That day the police an ambulence and crisis team came over to my house and took me to the hospital. I was there for a little bit til they decided to send me to a councellor and a doctor. I am right now going to councelling once a week and see the doctor every week as well. My doctor has me taking Risperdal which helps with my mood swings i guess. They found out that i am bi-polar so they gave me this stuff. And my councellor is helping me with depression. And right now i am glad i did not kill myself.


To anybody who wants to kill yourselves please dont. Depression is very treatable ive been where you have been i never saw a no point in living. You have to talk to people to help yourself, if you dont you will probally ultimatelly end up killing yourself, there is a reason to live you just have to find it.

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Hey spongebob,


I'm so glad you came back and updated us on your situation. I'm sad that you went to the extreme of hurting yourself and attempting suicide, but happy that now you have the treatment you need and are feeling better.


You will give a great example to others who want to hurt themselves why it's not a good idea... I hope you will continue to update us, and maybe, when you can, try and post on other suicide threads and share your experience and insights.


Take care!

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You are young and just starting life, and you want to give up already. You would not have done that if you were playing footballl and your team was down a few points in the 4th quarter would you.


You hit homeruns before, and now your on the bench whining for the past two years. But your teamates still love ya. And they know when your ready you will dust yourself off and get back in the game and hit homeruns again. You can always go back to school, thats no excuse, and you can get a job doing something anything.


I suggest you stop pouting and be grateful for the life you were given and start living it to the fullest. You don't have any problems, you have lost your desire and confidence. Stop second guessing who you are, and know who you are. You can do anything you put your mind to doing. And this is a the land of opportunity, so start looking. Plug in to society, meet people and not lock yourself in your room. Opportunity does not come knocking at your door you have to go seek it out no matter how hard it is.


And your mom is more than likely disappointed in you, so go tell her you are sorry and then take some action and do something about it and stop making excuses. Action always speaks louder than words.


Go get a job and start help paying the bills and go to night school, I did.


When you decide to make your life better, it will get better. No one elsle can live your life but you.


Go get em, you can do anything you want to.



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I know you feel like your lifes oing now where but you can still do grate things, its all down to hardwork and the fear of failing. Thats I drove me and still dos. I look at drunks on the street and thing "That could be me" that fear drives me to larn all I could, push my self to try things with out fear.


The bast is past, forget it you can not change it, the futuers not happened yet so all you have is today. Get up as soon as you wake hit the beachs running. All around you are opartuntes all you have to do is turn up.


As for eduation, start reading books now, history scieanc any and all you can get your hands on, start with the count De Monticristo and keep reading.


and say to your self every day


"Knolage is power"


The more you know the more you can do.

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It's great to hear you're okay, Sponge. Life can really suck at that age, and I'm glad you weren't able to go all the way through with your plans.


There are lots of ways for you to find education, if you still see a need to (which I think is something you should try for). The best of luck to you, and please keep us updated

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok well i am going back to highschool in like 3 weeks. hopefully i will make some friends n stuff... kinda nervous.


i havnt had any thoughts or even tried to hurt myself for a few weeks now. i stopped taking my medication though for 2 weeks now and im doing fine. I am applying for jobs at grocery stores n stuff and ill meet even more people. its really hard cuz i feel still very alone through all of this. but thats pretty much whats goin on at the moment.

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ok well i am going back to highschool in like 3 weeks. hopefully i will make some friends n stuff... kinda nervous.


i havnt had any thoughts or even tried to hurt myself for a few weeks now. i stopped taking my medication though for 2 weeks now and im doing fine. I am applying for jobs at grocery stores n stuff and ill meet even more people. its really hard cuz i feel still very alone through all of this. but thats pretty much whats goin on at the moment.


Hey There,


Glad you came back to update us, friend!


May I ask, why you stopped taking your medication?


Wasn't sure what kind it was, but I know that some of them are long term to help with depression.

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Have you told your doctor that you have been sleeping too much on the Risperdal?


A common side effect of the medication is increased sleep duration. Perhaps the doctor can adjust the dose so that you still benefit from it but don't have as many negative side effects.


Or, if he knows you are having trouble with it, perhaps he can try another medication.


It's never a good idea to stop a medication, particularly an antipsychotic, suddenly without first consulting your doctor.


Have you told him about this? If not, it's important that you give him a call.

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