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Am I Being Abused.....?

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My motherhas always had a temper...she has hit me on several occasions, and not just a slap in the face...but with her fists....her knees...she's kicked me....beat me with rock gardens....(


she hits me when she gets angry when i "say" something rude or disrespectful.... like, last night, she yelled and cursed at me for asking her a question about Arizona (for pete's sake) and i told her not to talk to me....

I'll admit that i have hit. I think once i may have flat out punched her, and i know i have scratched her, and pushed her back.....but i'm a fighter....by nature...and it's only so many times a person can take that w/o lashing out...


Yeah I admit that i mouth off to her...but it's like the drunk telling his wife to stay outta his way when he's drunk... It dosen't make sense and it dosen't warrent a severe beating...At least i don't think so


She is a therapists/former social worker, so i know she understands the law.... I have told her that she treats me horribly, but she just tells me " you don't know what horrible is." But i do... Unfortunately....the other thing is that there's rumor of her being molested as a child and she even hints at it... And i know for a fact that her father used to hit her mother (my grandmother) so i believe she thinks that she can do no wrong....that i deserve it...and that no abuse is as bad as the abuse she suffered.


top it off, she drinks vodka nearly everyday....sometimes she can finish a pint, which i know i by alcholic standards isn't much but still....And she says she uses it to get to sleep(that...can't be healthy)...which she barely does...She smokes, and has been in a relationship with a man with five kids...several "baby mamas" a crazy ex-wife and many female "friends" I am sick and f*****g tired of it!!! I am not able to move out of the house...though she has kicked my out on several occasions, and she tells me "if you don't like it you can go live with you..." grandmother, father, whomever...none of which can take care of me. My father is a crack head...who blames he (which i'm now starting to believe). And my grandmother is tending to her soon who is recovering from a massive brain tumor...


please help me!!!

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The question you asked "Am I being abused?" The answer is YES!!!!!!!

t you need to get help. seek out help ASAP. get out of that situation move in with friends,seek help fom them and their parents I am sure someone will be willing to help you.Your mother needs help she has serious problems and is taking everything out on you.

But most of all get yourself out of that situaton and go somewhere safe.


I wish you all the best,good luck.

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This is BLATENT and OBVIOUS abuse. For the record, if a school teacher knew about this they would be required by LAW to report it to the police. You have undergone extreme abuse and should take steps to get professional help.


I would recommend you seek out help through your school, church, or local police department. You can expect more abuse (verbal) once you do that, so don't be surprised, and your life will change drastically, but you have every right to a safe, healthy, and pain-free life.


I cannot stress this enough, you really really really need to seek help.

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