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She says it's awkward

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I've had this good friend for a while, and ever since a number months ago, I've been interested in her. While working up the courage to ask her out, she told me flat out that she wasn't interested. She said that she just wasn't attracted to me. Anyway, we remained friends, and I still had a little crush on her.


Since then we talked a bit in school, and a good deal over MSN. About a week ago, she told me that she was actually starting to become attracted to me. I talked it over with one of her best friends, and from what I understood, she genuinely was. The thing is, she said that "she wasn't sure". According to her, she wasn't attracted to me at all until about last week, when she was. I asked her if she wanted to go out, and she said that she would have to think about it. After talking with her online, and at school for the past week, I still had no idea where she was going. I would ask her every once in a while whether she had yet to decide, and the answer would always be that she hadn't.


Today, she finally gave me an answer, and it was "no". She said that while she really enjoys spending time with me over MSN, she finds that in school, it's awkward when we hang out. I really don't know what to do, how can she like me when I talk to her through her computer, and not 12 hours later in school? I'm still interested in her, and hopefully there is still a little bit of a spark left in her.


Does anyone have any tips that would hopefully let the relationship blossom? I really don't know where to go. She knows that I'm obviously interested, and I know that she is at least somewhat, but I'm really not sure where to go from there.

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I would back off. Be pleasant but aloof. Don't talk to her for long on MSN and just smile and chat very briefly at school. If she comes to you - great. But if she does not then you know she is really not interested and you can move on.

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I'd say all is not lost here for you. Take DN and Lonelyin's advice and put some space between you and her and perhaps she'll come around, don't get your hopes up too much though, and if you talk at school do your VERY best to be at ease and make her feel comfortable around her. Make it UNawkward as best you can.

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It'll be difficult to keep a distance from her online. I would consider myself one of her favourite friends to talk to over MSN, so there is almost always a conversation going on between the two of us.


I'll try to decrease the frequency of talking though, and maybe keep something to say when we meet in school. Hopefully if there is something to talk about, it might break the ice and make it less awkward.

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Yeah if you wanna keep a distance online all you gotta do is be "busy" and not respond so much and when you do respond be a little less descriptive and keep the responses shorter (don't be a jerk, but just be a littttttle less interested, just enough for her to notice).

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