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my ex bf is runing my life. he leaves again with no contact no nothing for about a week, and as ususal i'm doing my own stuff he emails me again. he keeps wishing me well and saying goodluck in my life. I told him thank you but i dont want anything to do with him. when we spoke he was hoping that we could become good friends but bc of his sake i accepted. but after a week later he's getting all mad bc i told him i dont want to be friends with him and he keeps saying bad stuff to me. like the b and the A word. i asked him nicely to leave without one word hearing from him, he said if he'd hear one word from me then he f.... me up. (sorry) all the time he keeps bragging about how happy he is that he's getting married and how he's find his match. i wished him well and a good luck still he's getting nasty to me. i told him if he is getting married then he has no right to talk to me, and told me that i shouldn't talk to a guy that is fixing to get married. he told me to wait next 2 months so he can send his wedding photos so he'd have proof to show. one thing i never ask about his personal life once and he keeps bragging about it, one day he says lets be friends, one day he says lets me up, one day he says, i dont want anything to do you with you, i swear i dont know what to do anymore. if i try stop talking to him it will get much worser. i dont know what to do anymore. on the other hand he think i'm not over the relationship we use to have, i keep telling him about a hundred times that i've been over it for a long time and that maybe he's not over it and he gets mad about it. anyone please any advice will help me out.

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i asked him nicely to leave without one word hearing from him, he said if he'd hear one word from me then he f.... me up.


Don't ask nicely anymore. I'd highly suggest printing out that email of him threatening you, go to the police and show them. Get some kind of restraining order or whatever they're advice is. Block his email, and definitely don't instigate anything, which it sounds like you're not. Don't tolerate that kind of treatment from anyone. Good luck

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You hit the nail on the head when you said he is not over it. Byt him going out of his way to rub your nose in his "new" life it is just proof that he has not moved on. The only way either of you are going to get anywhere is NO CONTACT. Delete his email address and block his numbers and emails. He will continue to hurt you unless you prove to him that you don't care. Even if you do underneath it all. If you didn't still matter to him, he wouldn't bother.

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I agree with Tyler that you should take a copy of the email to the police and also get a restraining order. Unless you do both of these things he'll pester you for years.


Phoenix has the right idea too. Block his emails, etc.


You can even get your mobile phone blocked so he can't contact you.


Good luck and take care

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