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3 years ago I dated a girl who decided to end are relationship over the phone, I look back now and im glad she did.


When we were dating for the year and 1/2 she said how she would never go back to her ex(s); and when we broke up she never would consider talking to me ever again or getting back together.


So shes been seeing her ex and starting a relationship with him, hes 5 hours away and the guy honest to god is really just scum; I mean she used to say how he abused her and used her. And first hand account of knowing meeting him. Etc etc.. Her friends say shes miserable in her life right now...


And now shes been focusing all her energies into a relationship w/ her ex!!


Im rather glad that fate took me away from this person and lessons I have learned from this, it pains me to know this was a person I cared for so much.


Things are differnt now, and she always will have a little piece of my heart and I guess when I found out this information it tore me apart just a little and wish I could tell her "HEY YOUR MAKING A MISTAKE, MOVE ON". I have moved on though successfully and she is still living the same life, doing the same things and going back into her past.


It took a while but ive come out ahead in the long run w/ my job in the government, my travel and experiences. Self satisfaction is bittersweet.

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