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telling someone you like them...

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there's a guy that liked me from last year until .. two days ago. it was beyond obvious. but now i'm so confused. everytime i tried to hint that i like him back he ran away. but everytime i decided that maybe he didn't like me anymore and acted off-ish, he flirted. and i got so sick of it that i decided to take the initiative and tell him that i liked him. now that i think back on it, that was kind of a stupid move but when i talked to a friend about it, he said that if we like each other i should do something about it. but now the guy's ignoring me.

i still want this to go somewhere because now i can't even look at him in the face. it's so awkward.

what do i do?

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so you told him how you feel? If you have done it and he's ignoring you.. he probably doesn't like you. You should not feel awkward, it was the right thing to do. You can of course still try to talk to him if it's unclear whether or not he likes you.. guys can be a bit confusing sometimes. If it's plain obvious that he doesn't like you, you should probably stop making contact until you get over him, otherwise you just keep hurting yourself.. I have actually a question to you: what would you do if the guy now came to talk to you, and what if he asked you out?

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thanks for your advice. i think i'll just leave the whole thing alone for now. to answer your question,.. i would probably say yes. i mean, if it turns out that he didn't have a problem with me, then i don't see why i wouldn't take another chance.

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what and how exactly did you tell him?


If it was anything else than flat out "I really like you", chances are that he didn't get the point.


What's he like? Shy or outgoing? I bet shy, because he liked you and did nothing about it.. chances are that he's not capable of stepping out and asking you out, for variety of reasons. Especially if you were not totally clear in your words.


Been there, done that.



Don't necessarily throw away the hope, throw the caution into winds instead...... you know, if he has been interested in you for so long, the chances are that it hasn't stopped suddenly 2 days ago. That's not how human mind works..

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actually, i more like implied it.

he asked if i liked anyone and i said yes. he asked what grade and i said 12th. and then he said he wanted to change subjects. i'm almost sure he knows it's him cuz i don't have that many guy friends.. i'm just not very sociable with guys. and he knows that he's basically the one i talk to the most.

i don't think he's that shy, actually. he likes to meet new people. and he's good at it.

i hope you're right about the human mind. i'd still like him even if he doesn't like me.

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ask him out quick. Some guys test girls with "who do you like?" If the girl blushes, the guy knows the girl likes him. If the girl starts to tell about "that hot guy Mike", the guy know they're screwed and it's no use asking the girl out. I think that's what your guy did. Because you were not giving the positive signs, and were talking about "the one guy from 12th year", he thought he had blown his chances and felt awkward continuing about it. Believe me, it doesn't feel good when the girl of your dreams is talking about someone else. The moment he asked you if you like someone, and you said "yes" hit him hard to face. He didn't hope to get that reaction, it was like you told him: "yes I like someone else".

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