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Can someone please help me

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Im in high school and ive been there for 2 years and i have just started to like this girl. i have told her that i like her but she doesent really care much but i wont to know if she likes me. And i wont to ask her out but i dont know if thats a good idea. She does not have a boyfriend so if anyone has any advice can u please help because im a little stuck at the moment.

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Honestly Josho, the only way to find out is to put yourself out there and ask her. Girls appreciate you being direct even if you don't get the answer you want, it's always better to know than to torture yourself. Good luck. If it doesn't work out, don't worry, it will hurt, but you'll heal and find yourself a girl that does want to go out with you.

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If u've told her that u like her and she 'doesnt really care' then wouldn't it be best 2 just give it some time? I dont wanna be harsh but if she felt the same then chances are she would've told u... I could be wrong... maybe she's shy, but if I was u I'd give it and her time and really get 2 know her and let her know u, build up a friendship and see what develops with time.


Good luck.

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Are you friends with any of her friends?? Can yo umaybe get an inside scoop. Part of me does agree with pimpcess. If you have told her I think that she would have reciprocated. However, she can also be shy. Try to get the inside scoop. Also, I remember in HIgh School (10 yrs ago) that also the friends had alot to do with it ya know the whole crowd thing. Are you in the same crowd??

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I have this girl I am madly in love with and I have told her and me and her says things to each other that makes me think she feels the same. But, later on down the road it is like we never said anything. But, she is always talking to me about personal things. When we see each other the whole things changes. It feels weird around her and I want everything to be right. How do I got about finding out if she is actually into me. I see signs that she is interested but how do I know for sure?

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