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Need a little advice...


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Hi everyone,

I'm in a little bit of a pickle right now. I like this girl, have for a few months now. It all started at a christmas party last year. She was really friendly and happy, eager to say hi and everything, unlike most of the other girls there (although she would have to be the nicest girl I know). But I was sitting there and she came over and rubbed my head, and it was just nice to know that someone cares. So I kinda started falling for her, being the nice and pretty girl that she is.


Anywayz, skip forward a couple of months later and I've been talking to her over MSN a bit lately. We see each other at school all the time, there's always a smile or a wave or something. At first I was thinking 'oh yeh, she's being friendly'. But then she waved at my mother, which I thought was weird considering they'd seen each other once for a brief period of time.


Then one night we were talking, and I asked her how she was. She said crap, I asked how come. She told me this whole story about her ex who she had broken up with a couple of months earlier, and she wasn't sure about him. She said the only reason she stopped liking him was because he stopped liking her. They were at this party together and apparently there was a kiss that he said was confusing. So I conforted her, told her to do what she thought was right. As far as I know, things didn't work out and they've remained ex's.


I think she might know that I like her though, because it seems alot of other people are finding out, and my mother accidentally let slip to one of her friends (not CLOSE friends, but they hang out in a group together) that I liked her. Whether she told her or not I'm not sure. But lately when she's been around 2 of her friends specifically, she seems to glance back at me when walking between classes, or there was one incident after English when the 3 girls hung outside and watched me walk past. She's been starting conversations with me more lately too, but I'm not sure if she's just being friendly or otherwise. We always seem to have nice chats about stuff, we laugh alot. But we never talk face to face because we're only in one class together or always in our separate groups. So it's very hard to tell whether there's anything there or not.


So far I've just been coasting and seeing where things are heading. I'm one of those shy guys who likes to know if he's really in with a chance before making a move. I guess I just want to get some outside opinions. Srry this is so long, but I just needed to get it all off my chest.



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I'm not shy all the time, not at all. I'm actually pretty outgoing, 'loud' would be the word lol. It's just around the girls I like that I seem to go a little shy. I guess there's nuffin to lose at all. Right now I'm just taking things slowly, talking to her and getting to know her better. If she doesn't want to be anything more thatn friends, then I suppose I'll have to live with that.

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If you hang out in different groups, why not try to arrange a group date? That way the pressure is off and different people could get to know each other. 1 on 1 dates can be very intimadating, why not try a more relaxed way. You could always pay special attention to her and try to read her signs. This can be tricky at times, but you could always ask

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If you hang out in different groups, why not try to arrange a group date? That way the pressure is off and different people could get to know each other. 1 on 1 dates can be very intimadating, why not try a more relaxed way. You could always pay special attention to her and try to read her signs. This can be tricky at times, but you could always ask


Ha, funny you said that. I asked if she wanted to go to the movies with our group a little while back, said I'd tell her when we worked out a date, which we still haven't done. She said maybe, that it would be nice to get away from working one weekend.

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Yeh, and that was before all the recent events too, she might be even more or less inclined to go now. I'll talk to my friends and we can set something up, then I'll tell her.


But I think I must have gotten the point accross that I like her by now. I mean, we were talking one Saturday night and we got onto work. I asked her where she worked, and then the next day I went and visited. We didn't get to talk though, one of my other girl friends walked in and I got sidetracked. Still, I apoligised that night and she laughed and said 'That's just unacceptable! Don't come and see me at work again!' lol.

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well, now you have something in common to work from. It is always cool finding out that you have more to talk about (hint hint o shy one). You already have lines of communication working. Don't be afraid to use them. You mention that maybe she would be more/less inclined to go. Well I say, give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Who would't want to get to know someone better. Just think, if things work out well, you could always go on a little side excersion together. Sort of like a second first date the same night. If not that night, maybe make plans for another date. (group or otherwise)

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