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What does it mean when you have a dream about getting rape???

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Ok, I'm wondering if it really means something if you one or a few times have a dream in which you're getting rape and you're just lying there hopeless, when you never were rape and are a virgin, and no relation yet. See, I dreamed of that in 3 different occasions, and yea heck when I woke it, think I was sweating a bit, it looked so real. On the first occasion, in my dream, I was at my house when suddently someone knocked on the door and I opened up right away, only to find it was a man (a strong built one type) who just went right at me and well I basically had no time to react, I was trying everything, puching biting, kicking, everything you name and heck he wouldn't get off me, kept holding me tightly, slowly getting my on me and well I fainted right there. Woah what a dream, in my second one it was some stranger basically doing the same time and me struggling, only on that one I kinda hurt him and he kinda let me go. Then final but not least on the last one, Thomas (the guy I stopped dating and have no contact anymore) was taking me to his car, and suddenly he stopped at some weird place and I was like "Oh where are we doing", he say nothing and without a word, just got on top of me while I was trying everything to get him off me, when that's when I woke up. So my question, why is that I had that in my dream, is that normal by the way??

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Just google "rape dreams" and see what you get.


I often have dreams that I'm being chased, either by criminals, strange creatures, aliens, etc.... I read a dream interpretation saying that means that I'm under a lot of stress and pressure.


Maybe you are feeling victimized in some area of your life? Not necessarily romantic, but maybe in school or with some friends?

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