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I've had a major break through!!!!


Well, ex was in school today and when i saw him i felt absolutely nothing! Just thought "oh gosh he's back" and then ignored him all day


Even laughed along with my friends when we over heard his friends b*tching about him and they left him on his own!!


Anyway, i just logged onto MSN and he started talking to me telling me that he would prefer it if i didn't text him and i said "oh yea don't worry i have no intention of texting you, that message the other day was meant for someone else, i don't even have your number in my phone anymore my mum told me to delete it so i did"


So he said "gdgd. hm. i didn't think your mum would be like that, it just goes to show doesn't it! bye"


That really ANNOYED me!!!! ok maybe i shouldn't have said that my mum told me to. it just slipped out!


but He has absolutely NO RIGHT to break NC and then say that about my mum! So i blocked him and deleted him and i NEVER want to speak to him EVER again!


I know i will have to see him in school, but when i leave in May i'm going to keep away from the university he is going to so i won't see him unless i see him when we are clubbing, then i will ignore him.


This is a major break through for me! I was sooo happy then he went and spoke to me!! After all he said....still wanted to be my friend and sh*t! Oohhhh i HATE him (lol)!!


Just a rant post x

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well..to be honest...i think you sounded kind of rude with your initial reply..."no intention..."


granted it was probably the honest truth, but would you have like a reply like that? followed by a lie? (i mean c'mon...your mum had you delete it, and you managed to txt him somehow? lol)


not everyone can be civil after break up. remnant feelings tend to get in the way.



so yea...just keep not talking to him...and even block him MSN if you feel like it. But theres no sense in being mean to an ex. Whatever happens is in the past..no sense dwelling on it.

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Well, he did say he wanted to remain friends then say that he didn't want to see me, speak to me or text me. Then he was b*tching about my friends. So i have every right to be rude! He's said much worse about me, my friends and family!


And if i'm honest, my mum, friends and family all told me to delete his number so that i wouldn't break NC, so i did delete it, then re-added it as i thought "oh what's the point in being petty".


Anyway, i really dislike him right now and probably going to feel this way for a while, but at least i'm over him it obviously wasn't really love.....stupid teenage love yes lol

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