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I am hooked on someone and I am not sure if they feel the same way back. In fact I think she knows I like her and she just isn't sure what she wants or she is just taking it for granted. I don't want to feel this way especially if nothing is going to happen. Do you suggest I stop calling them and just move on. I mean we've been talking for quite awhile now and nothing has happened. We have never told each other that we like each other or talked about hooking up but we talk almost everyday and make excuses to get together. But it seems like I am making most of the effort to get to know her better and it seems as though she couldn't care less what happened but I really don't know. Feelings are usually right though. Tonight is a perfect example. She told me she would call after work if she wanted to share a ride tomorrow and when she didn't call by 10 I got all depressed and ended up calling her. I think I need to just move on.

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Thanks, that's what I was thinking too. I notised that everytime I back off and do my own things for alittle she contacts me. Sometimes it seems she is more interested also. I heard about "nice guys finish last" but if I turn cold won't that let a opportunity pass by?

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