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so depressed....

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well im just here to vent again......today is one of those days that hurts unbearably......i heard my ex doesn't miss me at all.....its only been 2 and a half weeks after 2 years of her telling me how much she loved me.....and she doesn't miss me at all.......what a stab in the heart.....im so tired of feeling hurt.....im so tired......im trying so hard to improve myself...but whenever i hear things like that....it just brings me right back down the bottom of this cold dark well.......she doesn't miss me at all........

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I truly feel you. My b/f and I broke up 2 weeks ago and this pain is the whole world. But I don't think it's possible to be with someone for two years and not miss them. I'm sure she thinks of you as well- it's so fresh, how could she not? It's helped me a bit to know that even though I will never be back with my boyfriend, he will still think of me. It would be impossible not to this early. But what do I know? We're in the same boat...move over, you're hogging the tissues Chin up, mate

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what gives you this impression? even her saying it to your face isnt valid in this case. breakups are hard and people deal with it in different ways. remember the good times and understand that you are who you are because of the experiences in your life-ALL OF THEM and bad ones make us stronger. i went through a breakup. my first bf and last so far...and i know the pain. but just focus on moving on. what i mean by that is, realize its over, it was wonderful but its over and its time to know that you willl look back and smile and so will he/she ten years from now remembering the good times. and understanding that it makes you the person your current partner will love.

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yeah i find it truly hard to believe that she doesn't miss me at all in such a short period of time......but i guess thats why it hurts so much......and yeah i definitly know i need to move on.....but right now i feel like ill never even get another girl as good as her....maybe its normal to feel that way....i know im stronger than this....its just times like this its unbearable....especially when u hear that someone u care and love so deeply doens't give 2 sh!ts about u in a span of 2 weeks.....i dunno its hard to believe.....and i heard it from 1 of her friends.....but she doesn't know that her friend is talkin to me.....

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Dear Hoping, don't listen to anyone who tells you what your ex is "feeling" no one knows but her, and YOU are powerless over what she feels, whether it be positive or negative towards you, and if it is "maybe" negative, it's usually because it is something in THEM that they do NOT like, ya know, about themselves. It's not YOU she doens't like, it's HERSELF and the fact that she even has any "emotion" for you, even if it's negative, is a sign that she "feels" something, and you know she does, after two years of a relationship, if ANYONE can say or act as if they "don't care" then THEY are the ones with issues, this is not a mature, loving, person.


Maybe she is good deep down inside, but as we get older we need to FIND the goodness in OURSELVES and share it with the one with love, there should be no 'DIGGING FOR HER GOODNESS" on your part, either it's who she IS, or it ISN'T. And YOU deserve someone who can stand by you for the long haul, try to think about what YOU want and NOT what she does or doesn't want. YOU want someone who will love you beyond the two years of a new relationship, she is NOT going anywhere, trust me, she is still "growing" and SHE has to choose to do this in a loving classy way, even IF you she doesn't want to be with you... there is a nice way to do anything, even if it means breaking someone's heart.. after all, if you were to "choose" a girl to marry, or to be friends with, or to be the mother of your children, would you want someone who could just walk away after two years???? I don't think so.


I know it hurts and for right now you ONLY have GOOD memories of your time with her, and would be willing to "be together" and forgive any of her shortcomings, but that is just your broken heart talking,.. these feelings will pass, I promise, let go just for today and look ahead, even if it's so difficult to imagine life without her, it would be sooo much worse to have stayed with her and have a life without YOUR OWN SENSE OF SELF.. her feelings for you do NOT define who you are, YOU define who you are, work on YOU... and the best will meet you at the pass... this is not about YOU, it's about her, you did NOTHING wrong, sometimes people just go through "phases" and she is probably doing just that, but even then they can be graceful with our hearts.. ya know, that's say so much about her that she can just walk away, it does NOT say anything negative about YOU.

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As a fellow guy who has been through a breakup, I feel your pain. A lot of guys don't like to admit they have these feelings, but they exist. I was absolutely torn up inside over my last breakup.


At this point, it is best not to worry about what she is thinking. It is SO hard to do, but you must learn not to be concerned with her at this point. Begin moving forward with your life as a single, confident male. Start a new hobby, do something to occupy your time and look forward to the future. Right now it looks dim I'm sure, but you will will move on and be even happier in the future.


I wish you the best.

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wow blender.....i was just prayin to myself...hopin god can give me a word of wisdom....and he did just that.....


i appreciate it....this is by far the most helpful reply to my heartaches.....when i read what u had to say i all the sudden felt there is a better future...and as hard to believe right now....that there is another girl somewhere out there with all her heart willing to give me her 120%....and me givin her my 120%.....


im printing that reply out....and im gonna carry it with me.....whenever i feel down im gonna read it....thanks blender...and everyone else who has given such insights...not advices...but wisdom.....

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