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i hate hearing and knowing

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well i have decided that even if my ex wants me i dont want him back the way he is now, all the drinking and parties. he is not the same guy i got together with.


but i have to admit i HATE hearing at work every day what they did the night before and over hear how funny or great he was. and they go out everynight so even on the days when we were not working together i hear stories!!


and i know that one of these days i am going to go into work and hear that he has hooked up with someone else from there.


in a way i like seeing him there and knowing what hes up too, but i HATE it at the same time.



i know i dont like who he is now but i do love who he was and we were before.


what can i do to stop hearing about his active social life and not have it bother me??


please help i am ready to move on but i need some help with this aspect..


thank you in advance for anything you say!

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