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So the "perfect guy" doesn't like me...


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This was at least true for me until I messaged the 'perfect' guy. I didn't want to waste $$ on the package, so I just didn't msg. anyone, and got 40 messages to me instead. Seemed like a sweet deal.


Maybe that's not true though... I think in general if you're better-looking you'll probably get more smiles or whatever. If you look like the typical computer/internet nerd and your profile reflects that... internet dating may not be so lucrative. But then again, there's probably some nerdy girls who also use online dating so who knows... .



Lily you just answered the question. You NEVER paid until this guy came. And even nerdy girls are popular, looks who is talking?

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You're mean. I thought you said "you just answered YOUR OWN question" which is why. I didn't ask a question. I'm reading like 3 threads at once as well, plus writing an essay, so whatever.


THANKs! I working hard at being a mean guy, specially toward spaced-flaky girls-who-should-study-harder-instead-dating-this-much! LOL Stick to your essay only because if your attention is anything like here...you are bound to end up with a bad grade!

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THANKs! I working hard at being a mean guy, specially toward spaced-flaky girls-who-should-study-harder-instead-dating-this-much! LOL Stick to your essay only because if your attention is anything like here...you are bound to end up with a bad grade!


I don't date that much...

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So I guess you guys won't be dating lol



I couldn't find spell check so blame the admins if I have typos!


Omni-I: I haven't been successful nor unsuccessful because I didn't meet anyone until last week or so. Before that, I met some girls online and...wow, it wasn't a good experience at all. They were mostly school drop outs, unsuccessfull in life etc. But then again I met a nice girl we talked a little and she seems pretty nice so far. The thing is, she wasn't in to online dating, she just got in to check it out and I didn't see her again on the site after a couple of days again. But we started talking online (IM) and I went to visit her. It was pretty nice we chatted n stuff but time'll show. Other than that I still think the chances of meeting someone on online dating sites are slim to none compared to real life. But if you're shy or something like that, than it's another story. And I've noticed something, most of the girls can find "decent" guys online, but mostly the guys are not serious and just looking to play(They're not decent they're just afraid of "playing" with their girl friends in real life because that'd ruin their reputation OR they've already done that and the girls that they already know won't go out with them). On the other hand I'm sure there are lots of girls that do the same thing as well. So you can't really know on online daying scene, it's easier in real life. Oh and I never understood the males ordering drinks thing, I ordered drinks for a girl only once in my life and she was already a friend of mine, so it wasn't to pick her up or anything. Noone ordered me drinks either btw. The free entrances for females etc, I don't get those You seem right (you ARE right), I just never understood why so. Instead of buying a membership for a dating site, I'd go buy myself a drink or two at the bar


PS: I've seen something on a dating site I'd like to tell. They had "Search dates by IQ" LOL. I laughed at it first, but then I talked to some girls as I mentioned above..wow. ok I'm not saying I'm smart or anything but I met a girl who told me she just started dating this guy and could get pregnant soon, I asked her why and she said because she doesn't have any money to buy any condoms or etc. I was shocked..lol I asked her how she's thinking of raising the kid if she can't even afford a condom and she told me the government pays for the babies... Go Canada!!


Now I think they should make the iq thing mandatory, thanks to that girl.

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So I guess you guys won't be dating lol





HAHA, well no since we are currently so far appart. But if we were closer, I'd have a blast making fun of Lily. A target this easy doesn't come by often LOL So I think I'd enjoy that very much. Also, I KNOW i am hot, i don't need an unimpressive spaced out girl approval for it.


But as for online dating Legend, glad for you you met someone. I 2 met someone.....but was in VANCOUVER! lol and i just randomly sent email to cuties not looking where they were. We became good friends and I was able to help her in her life also. But I think that all i was ever able to get out of my 50 bucks lol. Like you said, 50 bucks on myself would have been better spent.

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The Legend... I agree with free admission for girls before a certain time to get into clubs, etc... it just encourages girls to go out, and if there are more guys than girls that frequent the place that's good. Plus, guys will pay if they know there's going to be more girls there...good business. And I like free places. I'm still pissed off about buying that membership for $20 when it was only to msg. one guy who ultimately wasn't even into me...


also this essay BLOWS.

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So I guess you guys won't be dating lol





HAHA, well no since we are currently so far appart. But if we were closer, I'd have a blast making fun of Lily. A target this easy doesn't come by often LOL So I think I'd enjoy that very much.


Making fun of me won't win me, obviously. Your chance is already gone! sorry dude. get used to it; this will pretty much be your future in online & offline dating.

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Oh please, everyone (you and I) knows of stories where two people started off just like Omni-I and Lily... then a relationship started evolving out of thin air.


There's potential there.


Anyway, to get back on topic. The point has been made not to take rejection personally. When I got rejected my first time I didn't think twice whether it was me... or if something in me made her say no. Instead I got severely depressed for about eight and a half hours and after that I said, forget it, why should I care what she thinks? She doesn't see who I am and I don't respect that. I'm glad she said no because I wouldn't like dating a person like that. After that I felt slightly better.

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Making fun of me won't win me, obviously. Your chance is already gone! sorry dude. get used to it; this will pretty much be your future in online & offline dating.


LOL, yah but at least I actually do have a future in real life, and who said i wanted to win you over? I just said i'd enjoy making fun of you, which its something i already do here. you on the other hand you don't know how to properly write an essay.

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and if there are more guys than girls that frequent the place that's good. Plus, guys will pay if they know there's going to be more girls there...good business.


That's my point, I know that's the way it works, I don't know why though. Is it because men like sex more? I see girls and hell some of them are worse than men. I'm against it! (might be just jealous too


And yeah, act your ages please lol. Ok now I'm off to a night club to spend a nice 20$ bill on myself that I saved by not paying for an online dating site. lol gnite

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