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Well, i was doing so well. Managed to keep the ex out of my head for the FULL day and the FULL evening until now.


Was just browsing through profiles of Bebo of people from school and came accross a friend of my ex. Decided to look at it....and of course my ex and his famous party was mentioned...and a photo of him..looking gorgeous


Well, that dragged up all of my feelings that i had so carefully buried away in the back of my mind. I was doing so well aswell i guess this is just a little blip in the way of recovering. I just wish these blips would stop. I know that i will have my bad days and my good days and then the bad days will get less and less. So far i've been doing really well, and yet these bad days, well, hours really, keep coming. When will it stop hurting as much?


I've tried so hard. All of my friends are saying i'm so strong and if it had of been them, they would have cracked. Little do they know how i feel deep down inside only I know this, and of course the whole population of enotalone lol.


Sorry for going on about this so much i just need to vent and release my emotions....any comments or encouragement would be appriciated. Thanks.

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Has dwelling over the past gained you anything? Life is too short to live in regrets, i advice you to replace your lost love with a new love , this way you give yourself a new chance and hopefully a positive direction, i also hope you have learned from the past, and can give a positive swing to your life coming by, picking up the pieces of your life, giving yourself time and glueing the pieces back again. Bury the past, marry the future.

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Bury the past and marry the future - i like it alot. Blondy i am going through exactly the same thing at the moment mine has been a month now and i still get the empty feelings and a feeling of where to now. It is true what you say about your friends not knowing how you feel. There i am a bit lucky cause one of my real good friends went through the same thing not so long ago. All i can say to you is if you have any photos or anything like that put it in a box and try to get out and live your own life. My maximum is 4 days since we broke up and it actually felt good - how weird does that sound!!!!! The thing is is that they have had a change of mind and by us running after them all the time just makes us more upset. Just wanted you to know that i know how you feel its tough but read the last sentence of robowarrior and try and live like that.

Cheers for now

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