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I been married 30 some years and can't remember a year I haven't been jealous. I feel like I am getting worse and out of control.


My husband I believe, adds to my jealousy but he denies everything.


When we are out he is always looking to make eye contact with other women and he evenually will get someone's interest. I feel so depressed when this happens.


We have a neigbor who is living with someone and I believe that he goes out of his way to do things outside when she is out. She also realizes his interest and comes out when he is around.


I am at my wits end and don't know if I should separate for awhile, to she if his love is true. But I know I would be watching his every move.


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  • 7 months later...

Oh guest


I completely understand what you are talking about the only diference is that i havent even been married a year yet. My husband has threatened to leave me too. But like you i believe that he gives me cause to When we are out shopping he will drop back in the asile to make contact with women and when i lose my cool and got mad he makes me out to be a phychopath (sorry spelling) and makes me wonder if it really is me!. I sometimes think it is me but i an convinced he has had an affair already but cannnot prove it. I love him very much but dont want to live like this and keep wondering if it would be better if we split up but that is the only area of our married life that is unbearable. Im reading a book at the moment which is of some help for me its called Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins, he teaches how to work on ourselves. I think it is ourselves we need to work on, and how we react to these situations and what we feel inside.


Good luck

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  • 3 years later...

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