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Well I just broke no contact after 5 weeks and in some ways it was painful and other ways a relief. My exgf and i have been broken up for 5 months now and she has been wishy washy from the start. I had enough of "I need time and not right now or i'm not ready" from her.


I called her spoke to her for a few minutes and then just flat out asked if she wanted to work on things with me, what i got was another not right now. That was it for me I told her that it's now or never and she chose never, it hurt in a way but I already knew that would be the most likely answer. So I told her that it was time to tie up our loose ends which invloves money to me from the house we owned together, car insurance in my name aswell as a few other bills.


She did not seem to happy about that at all and thinks I am doing it out of spite. I told her that I should have done those things the day i moved out but she did not give me a clear decision and i was willing to wait awhile to see if we could reconcile. I really loved this girl but she turned my world upside down and there is no way that i am continuing to do her any favours by leaving bills in my name and allowing her to save over $200a month on car insurance just to be strung along. I should not be the only one affected by her decision.


She decided to end things so now it's time that she feels the affect of her decision. It might sound a little spiteful but she won't even give me the time of day so why should I continue to help her. I am trying to look after my best interest and I still feel as though I made a mistake because now she will hate me. I guess there is no right or wrong in these situations.


If anyone has any advice or comments on how to proceed please let me know, she is supposed to call me tomorow to address all of the details.

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You tried all you can she wasnt willing to give you a straight answer and you forced her to lay her cards on the table. Good on ya. you have your answer and can now start the healing process, move on and live your life. I had to go throught the same thing this last week and basically just said let me know what YOU wnt to do so I can make a decision and get on wiht my life. There is no right or wrong in these situations only decisions and you cant go through life not making decsions.

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You did exactly the right thing. She was taking advantage of you so don't feel badly about any impact her decisions has on her finances. If she was not happy in the relationship then her decision to leave was fair enough but she should have faced all of the consequences that arose from it.

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