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How to Give HIm some space?

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hi, i've been with my boyfriend for more than a year and we've been having a long distance relationship. What i dont' understand is why he keeps tellin me to give him some space. I only get too see him on weekends and sometimes i don't even get to see him. I onli see him fuh 1 day and he has the other days to himself. what does he mean ?


we barely talk on the phone and when we do talk, I jush ask him what he did today stuff. when he's online it's even worse. It takes him 10 mintues just to reply b/c he's busy doin sumn else.


how do i give him some space?

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As a guy I can understand wanting space.

It sounds like he wants you to back off a bit, which is weird considering you only see each other once a week; how many times do you call him in a week? Do you ask him about everything he's doing or nag him in any way? This can be very frustrating for a guy.


Ask him exactly what he defines 'space' as. Is it less phone calls, only meeting every 2 weeks instead of weekly?

I suggest you ask what his definition of 'space' is first, and ask if he has a problem with anything you are doing. Give him 2-3 weeks by not phoning him and note how often he call you or asks you to visit, he'll be sure to call when he realises he misses you.


This is tricky since you're in a long distance r/ship and I find it hard to believe anyone in a long distance relationship would want more space. Have you considered finding someone closer to you to love? If this guy doesn't register any interest in you after you've backed off, he may have found someone else and is too afraid to tell you.


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