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Feeling Soo Much Better

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Well, as some may know, me and my bf recently split up. After 2 and 1/2 weeks of missing him and being upset and lonely, i'm feeling happier


Got up this morning and didn't think about him at all. Had a lovely relaxing morning and i just feel like i've found myself again and i love this new found self and i'm so happy


This may be due to the fact that last night, i sat and wrote out all of my feelings and emotions and wrote down what i'm going to do and where i want to be in a certain amount of time.


I've wasted months of my life over this guy, i'm now going to make up this time and focus on me and having a good time! Can't dwell over the past, and that's what he is, the past!


Thank you all who have helped me through this hard time, i think i'm getting over it

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Its great you are feeling good today like myself!


I think as time goes on you will start to feel the 'goodness' of your life and feel so proud of your strength alot more frequently.


Unfortunately we can expect the wave of sadness to hit us too


It does help to write down your feelings!

At the moment everyone i talk to trys to make me laugh and they succeed that really helps!


Stay strong and keep focused on what will truly make you feel happy and good.


much love

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Hey blondy,


I am so glad to see you are feeling better. These things take time and it is case and point of why NC is so important. It really DOES help and heal. You are so young, you have so much time ahead of you. But I know love hurts no matter how old you are.

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It is good that you are feeling better, and it does help to sit down and write out your feelings for the ex and why he was and wasnt good for you. When you write down your feelings it makes you face them and not try to hide from them. I wish I could have been feeling your way 2 weeks after my breakup. It took me months and a move halfway accross the country, to get over my breakup. It is only in the last month or so that I have finally let go of my ex. Like everybody else is saying on here, right now you are feeling good and in control, but there will be times that you will miss your ex greatly and wish that you could be back in a relationship with him again. That is normal too. But as time goes on and you go on with your life and your healing, those times of missing him will be less and less and of less intensity. I wish you luck. You are doing well for yourself. Good job.

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