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I got the same thing going for me i wish to commit suicide but i can't because i just can't i want to do it because i had just visited utah and i went to see a girl i liked well the first day we acted normal the second day was the day before i left back to my house in Pa well she told me something waas bugging her she told me that shw wanted to kiss me and when i was about to i stoped we drove home held hands and she was gone i called her l8r telling her why i didn't she has a bf i respected that she was happy but said she was crying now we don't talk we barly im each other i love her too much to let her go shes got every thing humor looks smart loveable trustworthy everything but i am losing her and i can't so becaue of this i might end my life but i don't want to but life has been so misablre she tells me i llove this guy so much i hate that but say cool,good and tell him ur a lucky man he don't respond.....

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I've given advice before to you and you are young! I don't want you talking about suicide over a girl!!!! You did the right thing by not kissing her because she has a boyfriend, you should be proud of yourself for being such a respectful guy. She sounds like a nice girl but you know what? there are other girls that are nice, lovely, beautiful, humerous, loveable...you said she's trustworthy (how can she be trustworthy when she is willing to cheat on her boyfriend with you). Try to move on and find a new girl (trust me, there are plenty out there)!!!! Now stop feeling sorry for yourself, and find another lovely girl that deserves a nice guy like you.

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My advice, she's moved on. Telling you about her new boyfriend is NOT what you need to hear. Just disconnect, it's best for you both. If she's happy, you don't want to take that from her.


I understand that it's probably pretty rough to let go when she still drops you a line now and then, but you'll have to just tell her that. It's the only way to keep your sanity.


Don't even think about suicide. A door has just opened as another one has shut. You never know where the future will lead. I know it's hard to hear "there's other fish in the sea", but there's a reason that the phrase has been around for so long. There's a lot of truth in it. Just remember that you have an infinite amount of love, and you WILL find someone else to share it with. You may find it's a better relationsip, and you're happier anyway! Don't get caught up in heartbreak!



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Hi guy,


Just hold on thigth. I went throu something similar and I know how painfull that is. I recall findding my self crying at nigth thinking I would never find another girl like her. She had that quimic that make you think is your other half and it took me 3 years to get over it, until I found my wife, and she'd make me live again and realize I was such a foul, to think that girl was my true love. Hey buddy it takes time and pain and is a proces, but at the and you will see that everything happens for a reason, and most of the times is for a better reason.


My advise is that go out and find some new friend, but please, what ever you do refrain your self from looking for a new love, you will only scare your new friensd away. I know for experience, I was trying you find some one to replace my ex girlfriend and patch the hole I had in my hart, but that only gave me sadness and shame, because I was forcing to start a relation with every pritty girl I meet. That is a No,No...

Istead, like I said look for friens or go out with your family, thay are the one who will all ways be happy to have you with them. Give it time and every new girl you meet just try to be friens and nothing more, and wait for that special person who will soon come to take the empty space you have in your hard. Do that and will find true love sooner then what took me to to find the love of my life.

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