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Need some advice.

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Okay, here's the deal. There is this girl (of course! ) who I work with and I really like her, but of course, I doubt she knows it. I vaguely knew her in high school, but we were never in the same "crowds". (we are in college now, wasn't long ago). I haven't had alot of relationships, so my self-confidence isnt exactly skyrocketting lol, not to say I don't have any, but I really haven't been able to get the nerve up to ask her out. We talk alot at work, and the conversation is pretty good, but there always seems to be an awkwardness about it, Im not sure if thats just me cause I have feeling for her, or maybe she possibly likes me as well, it's hard to tell from my POV. If I knew she was interested I would ask her out in a HEARTBEAT, but the threat of rejection coupled with the environment which we know eachother would make it kinda rough.


One of the reasons im hesitating is because we work together, now if I asked her out and she said no, of course it would suck, but it would make it very awkward at work, and of course it wouldnt be long before word got around she rejected me which would be kind of embarrassing.


I'm not sure what kind of advice im looking for, I just need to figure out if I should try to pursue this or not.


Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to ENA sharp86!


Workplace relationships are a touchy subject. I know several women who will not date anyone they work with. There's too much to risk and things can get weird. Although, not everyone feels this way...


I would ask her out to do something casual, like grab lunch or a cup of coffee after work. Even though you want more with her, think of this to yourself as "going out with a co-worker for lunch/coffee". That will take the pressure off and eliminate the perception of "rejection" like one would reject an offer for a date.


Take this step, and see how it goes...

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