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how do I act tomorrow..?? I am so nervous she would dislike me

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Hey..(sorry for the long post)!!!


I have met this girl online, we went on our first date on Saturday night. Which was fun I brought her a rose which seemed to really impressed her and she told me how much she liked the rose.. and that her room smells like it,,



I really like her, I mean our phone conversations usually was between 30min- 2hrs

We talked 3-4 times already, we talk online everyday, for long hours, she is great and she told me that she enjoys my company. She got this email for salsa..,, its gonna be in May.. she said I should take you with me.. I set a 2nd date for this Friday, its Persian New Year celebration party (I am Persian and she is Polish) so I told her that on Saturday when our date was about to finish she agreed.



Today I felt like I have to see her tomorrow (Thursday) and so I said I would really like to take you out to dinner tomorrow.. so we'll be going out 2 consecutive night, tomorrow for dinner and the day after tomorrow for Persian New Year. I absolutely have noproblem with that, I am actually very excited, she is great and I really really like her.


the thing is we met one day online and she set kinda asked me out and so we set our 1st date on Saturday. Already I feel like I have known her for a long time and we have amazing connection.. she text message me goodnight every night. On our first date we didn't hold hands; however I did kiss on her cheek and a hug when I met her and then when we left I kissed her hand and her cheek and said good night to her. She was telling me how she was nervous about her school work tomorrow and that I make her relax


My question is that how is this going?What can I do so she wouldn't get board of me? how can i make sure she enjoys my company as much I enjoys hers? Tomorrow on our dinner should I hold hands with her when we go? How does the touch barrier thing work? I am not really an expert in dating so I could use some help .


Help greatly appreciated.. !!!

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''Thank you v much "orgasmictofu" vbmenu_register("postmenu_980884", true);


last night I was talking to her online after our phone conversation. she has a presentation today and she told me last night that she is so calm now and she hopes that she would be as calm as she is now tomorrow and that I make her calm. I asked her that we can pospond the date to some other time incase she'll be tired tomorrow. she replied no .. I am never tired for you, Its these things that makes me think she really like me and then sometimes she says stuff that makes me go waaaa? she has no idea where I am coming from.. I am really nervous for today.. even more then I was befor our first date...I hope she wouldn't get board of me since we'll be going out today and tomorrow as well.. I really like her.. is it normal to feel somewhat strong about someone you have met online 5 days ago and been on one date?..


please answer my somwhat not connected questions.. thanx

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Is it normal to feel so strongly about someone so soon? Probably not, but if you guys have a strong connection, then it only makes sense. I wouldn't sorry so much if I were you, it sounds like she really likes you. Like everyone else says, just be yourself and have fun.

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Thank you chaos and everyone who helped me

I apologies for this extra long post .. but I can't help it and its eating me

I went to pick her up for our second date. She opened her door and started walking down the stairs, she looked more gorgeous more stunning and precious at that moment. I was more nervous then the first date we went on (which was more like a blind date rather then anything) This was when I knew maaaaan I will mess it up tonight since I was more nervous that I have ever been in my life. I still don't know if I did or not, but I am hoping you guys would help me figure it out. She is too nice to say anything to me that will make me thing she might not see me more then a friend. These are a few things that I am hoping you would help me clear my mind


We are going out again to the Persian new years party (I bought the tickets a while back so she feels like she has to come and she doesn't want to disagree. Again she is too nice to say no I rather not come"


She is more experienced then I am in dating and in relationships. I haven't been in any relationship to be honest, just a couple of dates so far which didn't go further then a first date (not the nicest women, mean and I respected them too much)


I was eager to figure out her feelings toward me, we do click in certain level, I enjoy talking to her but I seem quiet at the times and just thinking what is going through her mind. So in pursuing this I asked her a couple of questions which today I regret asking them.


I asked her when you usually know that the guy is someone you can see yourself in a long term thing. She said after the first date I know that. I said what kinda qualities do you want in your man. She said someone who knows how to repect women which you are doing an amazing job(these things are the only things that make me believe she may not dislike me like I think she does)


so far I paid for everything in our dates including the tickets for tonight and it came to about $200 which I absolutely have no regret of doing so, she is might be the only thing right now in my life that is worth spending anything for . But she keeps saying I will pay you back that I feel like she wants to pay me back and then stop seeing me


I told her I feel like I have known you for a long time; more then 6 days. She said yeah me too.


So then I asked her with you saying that you know right away, where would I fall in there? she smiled and said you are on the good side. Then she was saying there is the grand prix and that she wanted to take me to (I feel like its just to pay me back) we went back home and I dropped her off at the end of the date, she lives kinda far from me its about 35-40 km away from me.


When we got to her house I said wait I'll open your door. I opened the door held her hand; started talking about tomorrow's plans and arrangements. I was holding her hand the whole time. The I kissed her on the cheek and the hugged her, told her that I like you a lot she responded I like you too.


I feel very bad today, feel like tonight is going to be the last time that I will see her like a date. She mentioned that the men she don't feel connection she would just see them as friends and/or sometimes make excuses not to see, like I have this and that ,

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ok.. my recommendation.....


ASSUME that she likes you as a boyfriend and ACT like her boyfriend. If you don't know what it means to be someones BF you need to act more flirty and more confident in yourself. I think you should try to kiss her on the lips. If you keep kisisng her on the cheeks she will think that YOU are not interested in her.


I can see from your posts that you lack confidence around this girl. That is one thing that girls can pick up on. I am confused why you lack this confidence since I don't see ANY reason to doubt yourself based on her reactions and what you have been doing together.


So, take some more risks!! You don't need to tell her yoru feeling at this stage (and, I suggest you don't)... just show her how you feel by your actions...


good luck, and keep us updated

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thank you lancing I am assuming you are a woman J


.. about the kiss thing.. yes I thought about that ok I think it is safe the say that I have never kissed a girl (kinda embarrassing) and so first of all I dun wanna suck at it and I dun want to break her boundaries I usually respect women in that sense. I did ask her if she is touchy or not. She said something about how she doesn't want the guy to be in her bubble too fast as a metaphor. She said she likes holding hands. I did hold her hand at the bar for the first time when we were sitting on the table and she didn't resist. I analyze things too much and it really ruins it when I try to be myself! I acted much more confidence on my first date "she was saying the next day I am surprised you even wanna talk to me , seems like you are used to date much prettier girls and I am not up to your standard" but in this second date I noticed I asked her the question "will I see you again" (more then once) to make sure she still wants to see me, not the smartest move but my luck with women so far was not good . for afew reasons "ppl say I am too nice to them and then I shouldn't care too much in the begging" I think what I was seeking last night was reassurance rather then anything elese… which screwed up everything "maybe it didn't ,,I really have no clue except I am trying to make myself to enjoy tonight rather then being sad depressed about what is going to be happening tomorrow. I am in the edge or distruction..

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man this is the only time that you actually enjoy for being wrong!!I love it when I am wrong.. she came online.. telling me that she had an amazing time.. she is the type that doesn't show it in her face but she does like me.. her name on MSN always has something to do with what we did last night.. her name in MSN says this " i

know someone who is beautiful and whom im interested in/ im lost in your smile and words that are so new to me yet seem so familiar"



she can speak spanish and french .. so she wrote them in Spanish/French and I asked her what do they mean; she said you don't wanna know I said yes I do, then she said you wish you didn't know now.. I said I wished I knew it last night... she said " i didnt know how to formulate my thoughts, couldnt place them together" I would like to kiss her on the lip... not french kiss but.. gentle. I hope I won't mess it up.. she cares for me a great deal.. I care for her alot. it shouldn't be a huge problem


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just wanted to say thank you to everyone. last night was great and I wasn't expecting it to be this great.. she brought me rose bouquet which I still can't believe she did it. when we were leaving.. I finally had the guts to make the move and kiss her on the lips. so I guess things are moving forward for me.

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