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Dodgy picture

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I was browsing through my boyfriend’s phone (with him there but not watching what I was doing) anyway I started looking at pictures and he had this one of this girls legs with tights on but very revealing; you couldn’t even see her skirt just very high up on her thighs. I was so shocked I just put the phone down. Then the moment had passed before I could say anything. I went all cold on him however to the point where I could barely talk to him. He kept asking me what was wrong but I felt unable to tell him. I’m useless when it comes to communication and it hurts my pride. Due to the fact that I was fine up until I started looking at his phone he asked me if I was upset because of something on it. Then he got his phone started looking through it for some explanation but then put it down again and kept asking me what’s the matter? An hour or so passed and I was still being cold with him and stuff had been said but I hadn’t admitted to what had saddened me. Anyway I eventually asked him if he had any idea what I might be upset about and he got nervous and said is it about a picture on my phone? So I said what picture? And he was nervous and then was like if I show you please bare in mind I’ve never seen this before I just saw it earlier when I looked at my phone, I’m just showing you so you’re not later on saying what picture? So then he showed me the picture but kept insisting he had never seen it before and that people take his phone and just taking pictures. The picture had been taken recently. I dunno whether to believe him.

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I don't know. Personally, it sounds a little strange.


He obviously knew about the picture. I would be very upset if I ever discovered that and call him out on it right away.


Did you tell him that? If he didn't know, why did he ask "is it a picture?"

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Decide if this is a deal-breaker for you. If it is then break up with him. If it is not then let it go, realise you should not be looking at his private stuff without permission anyway and work on the relationship.


Don't try and control him - if you do you will probably lose him.

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He goes through my phone and lets me go through his.. I wasn't being sneaky


If he lets you look through his phone, he probably didn't know it was there. My friends are always taking my phone and taking pictures with it. Sure, not quite as sexy as the one you describe, but I always find weird pictures on there.


If you trust him otherwise, I'd probably let it slide.

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hmm, I have a similar story, that gets to the bigger point at the end:

One time I was looking through text messages with my boyfriend on his cellphone, and no he doesn't text, and I'm the only one who texts him except one time or maybe two-- I only remember one-- his friend sent him a text from when this friend went away, and it was of some girl's boob.

However, it matched up with who had sent the image, PLUS there was a voice recording attached to the image and I know it's this guy. It was just from some girl the guy hooked up with and he was joking "here's a boob for you" or whatever.

Anyways, why didn't he erase it? I don't know, and it was buried under so many of texts from me-- probably literally 40 text from me after it, and like 20 before it, all built up over time. Plus it was a picture message so that's a little different-- but it was still left on his phone where he knows it wasn't a good thing. Just forgot about it. Even my texts were built up in there-- how about the pictures around that one? Was the image buried?

I have some pictures on my cell that aren't bad like that but I just don't feel like erasing them.


If he still has it on there, you can see the image info and see the date and time taken, and maybe you can get a setting of where he was when it was taken, etc.

Someone very well may have taken his phone from him to take the picture.

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Yeah, it could be like xmrth's boyfriend's "boob shot." That's a pretty funny story!!!


Actually, my best friend keeps sending me photos of her hot hot hot boyfriend, and I haven't erased any! I don't know why. He's nice to look at Even when I had a bf, I didn't erase those shots


If my friend sent me a drunk photo of a penis, I probably wouldn't erase it either, just because it would be funny. Not because I didn't care about the guy I was with....


What if someone was at a club, and saw Heidi Klum dancing there, and then her top fell off, so someone took a photo of her breasts, and sent it to me by text. I would probably never erase Heidi Klum's breasts off my cell phone!!!!!


So, I guess it depends on the "story" behind the photo. Was it a random joke? Or is it some flirtation from an ex-girlfriend?


Good luck with your decision

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I think you are overreacting big time!


How the picture got there, there can be a million meaningless ways it got there.


What is obvious is that you felt threatened by said picture, am I correct?


Is he acting normal with you, the relationship is fine???


If it is, then why go looking for something to be wrong?


Maybe an ex sent him the picture trying to get him back, he saw it and thought, that crazy **** and just forgot to erase it. That would mean that he is quite happy with you and is so happy with you that he doesn't care about other females.


So why assume the worse?

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