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I cheated on my gf with my bff

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Problem number one, I'm in love with this girl who is the most amazing person I have ever met. I suffer from extreme depression and I used to cut and smoke; I gave up both of those for her. The problem: I'm also a girl whose parents hate gays. My mom keeps ignoring the fact that I'm going out with a girl though she knows because I've caught her reading my journal. Problem number two, I love (am not in love, but love) my best friend. Who is also a girl and is the only person that I can really talk with and we have crazy chemistry. Problem number three, I cheated on my girlfriend with my best friend (we just kissed, closed mouthed, a lot of times in one night when she was supposed to be tutoring me). My girlfriend and I made up (and out) but even though I'm madly in love with her, it seems the only thing we do is have sex and make out and stuff like that. I love her so much, she means the world to me and more. I love to have intelligent conversations with people, and I know she's capable of it, she just has some social anxiety problems and doesn't like to talk. That's what my best friend has (whose going to Stanford next year), she has intelligence and we talk. We really talk and she understands me. But I would never break up with my girlfriend for her, but I have crazy feelings for this girl. Problem number four, I almost broke everything off with my girlfriend back in December (she was cheating on her boyfriend with me and I thought it was best to not have them break up) so that I could go out with my best friend whom I recently told I had a mad crush on. My friend told me that she also had feelings for me but she's not gay. She might be bi and now since we kissed she doesn't know either. I don't know what to do.

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I think it would be better for her to know, unless u are sure ur not gonna get carry away like that again, then don't keep it to urself. As stated, since u love ur best friend, but not in love, try limiting contact with her. As for ur girlfriend u love, try spending more time with her. Also if u feel like ur gonna get carry away again, do other activities u savor the most.

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well since your best friend doesnt even know if shes gay, then i would find out how she is really feeling. You said she has feelings for you but shes not gay, although having feelings for someone usually means they're attracted to you, thus making her gay/bi. Now onto your girlfriend-- is she still with her boyfriend, and if she is gay has she told him, or do you and her keep your sexual relationship private? If I were you I would stop all fooling around with your best friend. You say you love your girlfriend more than anything, so treat her like you do and don't cheat on her. Figure out if she wants to be with you or her boyfriend, and if she wants to be with you and you want to be with her then keep it that way. You have to make a decision on whether the feelings you have for your best friend are serious like the ones you have for your girlfriend. And if you know you love your girlfriend in a more stronger, serious way, then be with her.

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Would venture that neither girl sounds right for you (although if you could take the best bits from each one to form a new person they would be), so you may be best moving on. Look for someone with the qualities you like in both girls.


Good luck.

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